Walk with Jesus Our Living Hope
November 6, 2020
In memory of those who fought for our freedom.

Parish Donations
Please remember our parish during this time. While we are unable to be in Mass all together our pastor, Father Matthew and the parish staff are working hard in ensuring that the needs of the parishioners and the school are met.
Here is link you can use to send your donations online:
pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
What’s New?
Poppy Donations
Please send a donation for poppies on Monday or Tuesday. We will forward all donations to the Royal Canadian Legion on behalf of the veterans.
Kindergarten, Gr. 1 & 2 get a Legion poppy sticker and Gr. 3 – 7 will receive a fabric poppy.
Parent Participation Hours Available
We are expecting a big shipment of bark mulch for the playground on Nov. 20. We are asking for parents to come on Saturday, Nov. 21st to help move the bark mulch from the blacktop area to the playground and to spread it around. Please email [email protected] if you are able to help out. Please bring any shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows you may have.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child
We are once again participating in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. Our school has taken part in this for the last 8 years and we have proudly been able to donate anywhere between 40 – 70 shoe boxes each year. Collection week is Nov. 16th -19th at the school. If you are unable to bring your box in by the due date, you can bring it directly to Maple Ridge Baptist Church at Lougheed Hwy. and 222nd.
Shoeboxes are available at the office. Our school goal will be to reach 50 filled shoeboxes this season.
Hot Lunch Forms
Order forms are up on the website. All payment are due on Thursday, Nov. 12th, first thing in the morning (as we do not have school on Wednesday, Nov. 11th).
Grade 6 Immunizations
Immunizations have been postponed to January 2021. More information to follow.
Retake Photos
Retake photographs are being sent home today. Orders must be sent to the school by November 16th or place your order on-line. No late orders will be accepted.
Please check our fundraiser page as we have a few ongoing. We appreciate all your support at this time as we cannot have our larger annual fundraisers due to COVID-19 protocols. Every little bit helps!
Growing Smiles Fundraiser: (poinsettia, planters & wreath sales) from November 16 – 27th. Delivery scheduled for December 4th.
Neufeld Farms: this limited time fundraiser for St. Patrick’s will run November 1 – 13th with delivery on Saturday, November 21st at 10:00 am. Order forms available online.
Anita Alberto Photography: to provide amazing family photos for your holidays. Portraits will be offered Thursday, Nov. 19th for students only and Saturday, November 21st for families & temporary transition students. Sign up now available on line.
Week In a Glance
Mon. Nov 9th – Email deadline for Temporary Transition students
Tues. Nov 10th – Send poppy donation to school
Wed. Nov 11th – Remembrance Day – NO SCHOOL
Thurs. Nov 12th – Hot Lunch payment due
Fri. Nov 13th – Signal Hill Presentation (Gr. 5 – 7)
Fri. Nov 13th – Neufeld Farms orders due
Important Dates
Nov 11: Remembrance Day – NO SCHOOL
Nov 13: Signal Hill Presentation – Gr. 5 – 7
Nov 16: Re-entry for Temporary Transition Students – Please let us know by Nov. 9th if your child is returning for the Nov. 16th re-entry
Nov 20: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL for students
Nov 27: Celtics Day – Retro Day (Dress Up day!)
Nov 27: Interim Reports go home
Remember the Good Old Days…
We are having a Retro Day on Nov 27 (Non Uniform Day). Bring out those 50’s poodle skirts and leather jackets, 60’s print dresses and suits with fedoras, 70’s tie dyes, 80’s acid washed jeans, 90’s flannel and 2000’s outrageous colours!
Please ensure that the clothing is appropriate for school.
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