May 7, 2021
Hail Mary! Full of Grace! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Dear Families,
This weekend we celebrate the mothers in our lives. First and foremost, we celebrate our Mother in Heaven. She is the role model for women – her willingness to allow the will of God to work through her. Saying YES! to the Lord when he is asking challenging things from us. She is the epitome of grace.
We celebrate all mothers, grandmothers and important women in our lives this weekend. We are praying for each of you. Happy Mother’s Day!
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we will cover some important topics in our newsletter to cover the material we would have shared at the AGM. Please take a close look at the uniform changes for next year below.
I also want to inform you that Mrs. Wagg will be taking over French for the remainder of the school year. We wish Mme. Sketchley all the best.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

What’s New?
Uniform Changes for 2021-2022
We are excited to announce OPTIONAL additions to our gym strip for the next school year. We are adding a crew neck sweatshirt and sweatpants. Students can come to school in these pieces on PE days all year round. We will not be allowing non-uniform pieces for PE next year. Students will be able to come in their uniform and change into their gym strip, if you prefer.
We will send out a PRE-ORDER form for these pieces along with the regular uniform pieces.
Cambridge will be offering their sale prices in June.
Fitness-A-Thon – May 21st – NOON DISMISSAL
Our second pledge tally is on Monday, May 10 – Please send the second small slip back with amount your child received in pledges for this past week to have their name added in the draw. Prizes will be drawn after the Fitness-A-Thon.
Top Primary and Intermediate Classes: Wins a class pizza party!
Top Pledge: A $300.00 gift card to SportChek
All participants will be entered in a draw to win any of the following prizes:
Scooters, Basketballs, Volleyballs, Footballs, Skipping Ropes, Hula Hoops and much more!
Flowers for Mary
This month, we are honouring our Mother in heaven, Mary. We are asking that students bring flowers at their designated week as an offering.
May 10-14: Grades 4B & 4N
May 17-21: Grades 2 & 3
May 25-28: Grades 1 & 7
Kindergarten, please refer to your class newsletter for your specific day.
Sacramental Dates
Please see the finalized dates below. Teachers will send out more information regarding to these important events.
Confirmation: Friday,May 21st & Friday, May 28th
First Communion: Friday, June 11th & Friday, June 18th
Week In a Glance
Mon. May 10 – Fitness-A-Thon 2nd pledge forms due
Tues. May 11 –
Wed. May 12 – Hot Lunch – Loz Tacos
Thurs. May 13 –
Fri. May 14 – School Mass
pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
May 14: School Mass
May 21: Fitness-A-Thon – NOON DISMISSAL
May 21: Confirmation – Group 1
May 24: Victoria Day – No School
May 28: School Mass
May 28: Celtics Day
May 28: Confirmation – Group 2
June 7: Pro D day – NO SCHOOL
June 11: Fun Day – NOON DISMISSAL
June 11: First Communion – Group 1
June 18: First Communion – Group 2
June 24: Gr. 7 Farewell Evening
June 29: Last Day of School – 10:30 DISMISSAL
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