“Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.” Matthew 28: 19-20
Dear Families,
I can hardly believe that we are moving into June next week! Our final month of this school year. It has been filled with many challenges and new situations but it has also been joyful and I have learned a lot from the staff and students. I am grateful everyday to come to work.
This Sunday’s Gospel is fitting as we embark towards the end of the year. We will be sending forth our Grade Sevens, with all they have learned here at St. Patrick’s. We pray that that they always remember that God is with them and that they have the love of their Parish to lean on during challenging times.
Please take a look at the link below for an opportunity to give feedback on the school year and of course, don’t forget to reacquaint yourself with school expectations in the “AGM in the Newsletter” segment.
If you still have outstanding pledge forms and moneys from the Fitness-A-Thon, please send to the school. Thank you!
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
What’s New?
Please note that we will not have CELTICS CLUB available on JUNE 11.
We will dismiss at NOON for Fun Day. Please make alternate arrangements for your child(ren).
Registrations for Celtics Club for 2021-22 are on the website. Please complete to secure a spot. It is filling up quickly! For inquiries, please email Mrs. Scott at [email protected].
Parent Survey
We are planning for the next school year, 2021-22 and invite your feedback. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below. Thank you! https://forms.gle/quHdwjUeuTGdXPUw8 forms.gle
AGM in The Newsletter
1) In the morning, parents are welcome to drop students off in the designated “drop-off” area.
2) The drop-off area is only meant as an area to stop the vehicle in order to let the children out. The driver should never get out of the car, as this holds up the process. If your child needs help getting out of the vehicle, please park in the parking lot.
3) When pulling up at the drop-off area, drive as far ahead as possible to allow the cars behind to pull up as well.
4) Never let your child out of the vehicle before you have reached the designated drop-off area. Dropping off before this area causes frustration and slows traffic, but most importantly it is a safety concern. Please only let the child(ren) out of the right side of the vehicle. Cars pass on the left.
5) A parent supervisor will be present to make sure the drop-off area rules are followed. Following their directions will create a safer and quicker drop-off area.
1) Please follow the same procedures as in the morning. Parents who wish to leave the car to come and pick up their children must park in the parish parking lot. Parking in front of the parish center is not permitted.
2) Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds without the schools’ permission. If you have made alternate arrangements with your child(ren) for pick up, kindly inform the school. If your child is walking home please ensure we have a letter on file.
3) Please ensure that if someone else is picking up your child(ren), you let the office know ahead of time, and ensure that you have explained the procedures to them.

Tonight is the second night of Confirmation. We ask for your prayers for these young individuals as they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. May their journey always be guided by light.
There has been a change in restrictions so please ensure you check your emails before arriving.
We want to thank Father Matthew To, the Parish staff & volunteers and Father Hawkswell, for making this event happen. A big thank you to Mr. Geary and Mrs. Zochowski for their work in preparing the students.
Week In a Glance
Mon. May 31 – FITNESS-A-THON Pledge sheets and money are past due
Tues. June 1 –
Wed. June 2 –
Thurs. June 3 –
Fri. June 4 – School Mass
**Mon. June 7– NO SCHOOL– PRO D pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
May 28: Confirmation – Group 2
June 7: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL
June 11: Fun Day – NOON DISMISSAL
June 11: First Communion – Group 1
June 18: First Communion – Group 2
June 24: Gr. 7 Farewell Evening
June 29: Last Day of School – 10:30am DISMISSAL
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