May 14, 2021
Remember the words I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you too; if they kept my word, they will keep yours as well. But it will be on my account that they will do all this to you, because they do not know the one who sent me.John 15:20-21
Dear Families,
The line that speaks to me from this week’s Gospel, above, reminds me that we are going to share in Jesus’ sufferings. All the challenges we go through in our lives we offer up to the Lord as He gave us the ultimate sacrifice. We share in the persecution; however, we also can share in the blessings.
When people share the Word of God, they can expect one of two responses: (1) some will respond negatively to the message, not solely because of the message but because of their lack of belief; (2) others will embrace the gospel message positively. That may seem like it is “preaching to the choir” – they are already believers or are open to belief.
Our mission at St. Pat’s is to preach and be a witness to BOTH groups. We want to open the hearts of the non-believers when the opportunity presents itself BUT we also want to help nurture the believers. We want to work with our families to help them to grow in their faith and embrace their relationship with our God. The more we know God, the more we can express our love for Him. Let us be the ones to testify and share with one another.
For our “AGM in the Newsletter” segment this week, we are covering school hours, absentees and lates.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
What’s New?
AGM in The Newsletter
Morning Bell: 8:40 a.m.
Recess: 10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Lunch Recess: 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12:35 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
Dismissal: 2:55 p.m.
Parents are asked to complete an online absentee form before 8:40am if their child(ren) will not be attending school. Each child needs to have their own form. Please give the reason for the absence on your online absentee form. Please be reminded that absentee forms are needed for every absence with an explanation for school audit purposes.
Students are supervised outside from 8:25am to 8:40am, and after school from 2:55pm to 3:10pm (2:15pm on Wednesdays). Any students not picked up 15 minutes after the bell will be placed in After School Activity Club and parents charged. The school does not take responsibility for students who are dropped off at school prior to morning supervision. With all the activity we have had around our school this year, we implore you not to drop your children off before 8:25. We care about them and want to keep them safe. Students should also be dressed for the weather as we do keep them outside until the 8:40 bell.
Students who arrive after the classes have been brought inside need to come to the main building. They will need to complete the hand washing protocol at the front entrance and check in with office to obtain a late slip before going to class.
Uniform Changes for 2021-2022
We are excited to announce OPTIONAL additions to our gym strip for the next school year. We are adding a crew neck sweatshirt and sweatpants. Students can come to school in these pieces on PE days all year round. We will not be allowing non-uniform pieces (solid black sweatpants/sweatshirts) next year. Students will be able to come in their regular uniform daily and change into their gym strip, if they prefer.
IN-COMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS do not need to have these optional pieces as they do not come to school in gym strip. Kindergarten only needs gym shirt and shorts, along with their regular uniform.
We will send out a PRE-ORDER form for these pieces along with the regular uniform pieces.
Cambridge will be offering their sale prices in June.
Fitness-A-Thon – May 21st – NOON DISMISSAL
Students are to come in their gym strip that day.Our third pledge tally is on Monday, May 17 – Please send the last small slip back with amount your child received in pledges for this past week to have their name added in the draw. Prizes will be drawn after the Fitness-A-Thon.
Top Primary and Intermediate Classes: Wins a class pizza party!
Top Pledge: A $300.00 gift card to SportChek
All participants will be entered in a draw to win any of the following prizes:
Scooters, Basketballs, Volleyballs, Footballs, Skipping Ropes, Hula Hoops and much more!
Flowers for Mary
This month, we are honouring our Mother in heaven, Mary. We are asking that students bring flowers at their designated week as an offering.
May 17-21: Grades 2 & 3
May 25-28: Grades 1 & 7
Kindergarten, please refer to your class newsletter for your specific day.
Let us keep our Grade 7s in our prayers as they prepare for their Confirmation next week.

Week In a Glance
Mon. May 17 – Fitness-A-Thon 3rd pledge forms due
Tues. May 18 –
Wed. May 19 –
Thurs. May 20 –
Fri. May 21 – FITNESS-A-THON – NOON DISMISSAL – Confirmation (Group 1) – 6:00p.m. pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
May 20: Confession Gr. 7 (Group 1)
May 21: Fitness-A-Thon – NOON DISMISSAL
May 21: Confirmation – Group 1
May 24: Victoria Day – No School
May 27: Confession Gr. 7 (Group 2)
May 28: School Mass
May 28: Celtics Day
May 28: Confirmation – Group 2
June 7: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL
June 11: Fun Day – NOON DISMISSAL
June 11: First Communion – Group 1
June 18: First Communion – Group 2
June 24: Gr. 7 Farewell Evening
June 29: Last Day of School – 10:30am DISMISSAL
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