Weekly Update for St. Patrick’s School Community
Walk with Jesus our Living Hope
K-12 Health Check www.k12dailycheck.gov.bc.ca
March 5th, 2021
For in six days Yahweh made the heavens, earth and sea and all that these contain, but on the seventh day he rested; that is why Yahweh has blessed the Sabbath day and made it sacred. Exodus 20:11
Dear Families,
My social media page sends me daily reminders of what happened on that day in years past – our memories. Often these make me smile and even a little wistful as I look at my children’s chubby, baby faces. Their pictures remind me of how much they have grown in these short years. Another thing that it reminds me of is just how tired my husband and I were when they were little. The days were filled with so many activities and day-to-day chores that they just started to flow into each other. Now, as our children are a bit older, I do get moments of peace and rest. I miss the busyness that babies and toddlers bring and wouldn’t trade it for anything but I am learning to enjoy the quiet moments.
In the first reading from Exodus this Sunday, we are reminded that in the creation story, God blessed the Sabbath day. He made a day of rest, a day for prayer and spending time with our Creator. We can take in the quiet moments and allow ourselves to be present with Him and with our loved ones. One day, these memories that have we have will be our comfort and our faith that will get us through the tough times.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
What’s New?
Grade Two’s Collaborative Art Project

Grade Four – Reading Challenge
On March 2nd, the Reading Link Challenge teams (The Shamrock Readers and The Celtic Book Masters) competed in our in-school challenge! Both teams participated virtually via Zoom. This was a first for the teams but they adapted quickly and made the best of it. The teams both did really well and it was a close race. Ultimately, The Shamrock Readers were victorious and they will be going on to compete in the Library Challenge on April 21st. Good Luck!!!
COVID Reminders
A separate letter went home yesterday with some important reminders. Please ensure you take time to read it. pdf Covid Reminders 03.04.pdf Download 164.2 KB
Tonight is our Music Bingo Night Fundraiser. If you ordered your cards prior to March 4, you should have received an email with your cards and instructions for tonight. It is not too late to join if you want to buy your cards today!
If you have any difficulties tonight, please email [email protected]
Thank you to our Fundraising team for all the work that went into this event!
Thank you to everyone who supported by purchasing cards! See you tonight! Fundraising | St. Patrick’s School www.stpatsschool.org
Virtual “Scholastic Book Fair” OPENS TONIGHT!
The VIRTUAL “SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR” opens today! Please support our library by purchasing books for your home. The Book Fair will be open until Friday, March 12th. On Wednesday, March 10th “free shipping” will be offered between 6:00pm & 8:00pm. Books will be shipped directly to your home. All proceeds will go directly towards the school library. Campaign page for Virtual Bookfair virtualbookfairs.scholastic.ca
Week In a Glance
Thurs. Mar 11 – Confessions for Gr 4 N
Ready, Set, Learn Evening for 4 Year Olds (Pre-registration is mandatory)
Fri. Mar 12 – Celtics Day– St. Patrick’s Colours– Donations go to our Seminarians
LAST DAY before Spring Break! See you all on March 29th at 8:30am! pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
Mar. 10: Hot Lunch – Burger King
Mar. 11: Confessions Gr. 4N
Mar. 12: Report Cards go home
Mar. 12: Celtics Day – St. Patrick’s Colours!
Mar. 15 – 26: Spring Break
Mar. 29: School Re-opens!
Mar. 29: Purdy’s Pick up
Apr. 1: Holy Thursday – NOON DISMISSAL
Apr. 2: Good Friday – No School
Apr. 4: Easter Sunday!
Apr. 5: Easter Monday – No School
Apr. 8: Confessions Gr. 4N & 4B
Apr. 13: Class Photos
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