March 12th, 2021
For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16
Dear Families,
I wish you all a wonderful and healthy Spring Break! We thank you for keeping our community safe by adhering to the recommendations of the Public Health Officer thus far and ask that you please continue over the break. I know how tiring this has been and that it has taken a toll on everyone but we want to be able to do our part in keeping our school community safe. I hope you get to enjoy some outdoor time with family and get a chance to re-energize.
May we continue to also be vigilant in prayer as we continue to journey to the cross this Lenten Season.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

What’s New?
A BIG THANK YOU to our Parent Fundraising Group and to everyone who participated in Zoom Music Bingo. It was a fun night of community building and we were able to raise over $10,000 for the school!
Report Cards
Your child is bringing home their Report Card today. I am so proud of their hard work this year and they have shown great resilience in all the changes we have had to make at school. I also want to thank the staff for all their efforts and their dedication to our students.
Our Student Information System has been unavailable so your child’s report card will have not have updated attendance record. If you have any questions or concerns regarding their attendance, please email Mrs. Rieu at [email protected]
Tomorrow (Saturday) is the last day to order your Purdy’s Chocolates! Please take a moment to check it out and support our school fundraiser.
Today is the last day to order from our Virtual Scholastic Book Fair, check out the link below!
All proceeds support our school library!
Thank you!
Purdy’s Group and Fundraising – Easter 2021 Season The Purdys Chocolates Group Purchasing Web site offers Fundraisers, Private and Public Organizations the opportunity to purchase Purdys products at a significant discount Campaign page for Virtual Bookfair
Welcoming New Kindergarten Friends
This week Mrs. Prinster and I met with younger siblings coming into Kindergarten in September. There were many smiles as these new Celtics join their older brothers and sisters in the school.
We have also met with potential families in other grades. Most of our classes are full but we are accepting applications for Grades 5 & 6 for 2021-22.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Week In a Glance
Mon. March 29th – Welcome back! See you at 8:40am
Tues. March 30th – Purdy’s Chocolate pick up 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Wed. March 31st – Purdy’s Chocolate pick up 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Thurs. April 1st – Holy Thursday – NOON DISMISSAL
Thurs. April 1st – Holy Thursday – Celtic Club available at Noon – if you need childcare that day (due to the noon dismissal) email Mrs. Scott to reserve your children’s spot [email protected]
Fri. April 2nd – Good Friday – NO SCHOOL pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
Mar. 15 – 26: Spring Break – No School
Mar. 29: School Re-opens!
Mar. 30: Purdy’s Pick up
Mar. 31: Purdy’s Pick up
Apr. 1: Holy Thursday – NOON DISMISSAL
Apr. 2: Good Friday – No School
Apr. 4: Easter Sunday!
Apr. 5: Easter Monday – No School
Apr. 8: Confessions Gr. 4N & 4B
Apr. 13: Class Photos
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