“But Jesus overheard what they said and he said to the president of the synagogue, ‘Do not be afraid; only have faith.” -Mark 5: 36
Dear Families,
“Do not be afraid; only have faith”. Could there be a better bible verse to sum up our school year together? In dealing with a pandemic year with a new principal who was unknown to you, you have had to put your faith in God and in the school to ensure your child’s well being and education. I could not be more grateful for your cooperation and support this year. I truly am appreciative of Father Matthew, the staff and the community for the success of this school year. Everyone has come together to make the best of the situation for our children.
To our Grade Sevens, the end of your time at St. Patrick’s has come and for some of your families, it also means moving on for them. We have been blessed with your leadership this year and pray that God continues to guide you. Know that you are always welcome back and that your parish and school community are here cheering you on.
To our families who are leaving us, we wish you all the best in your new endeavours.
I wish you all a wonderful and relaxing summer. The office will be open until July 9th for any questions you may have or if you require dropping off or picking up items. Office hours from July 2 – 9 are 9am – 3pm. We re-open again August 23rd.
May God bless you and your families and keep you safe through your summer adventures.
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

What’s New?
Congratulations Grade Sevens
Congratulations to our Grade Seven Class of 2021. You have persevered through a challenging year and your future awaits!
Thank you to everyone who was involved in planning their celebration last night and a BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Geary and Mrs. Roth for their leadership all year.
Congratulations to our award winners:
Baxter Family Award for Outstanding Student: Anna Demkiv
Michael Duyvesteyn Athletic Excellence Award: Alonzo Chan & Klaudia Sosnowski
David Schollen Memorial Award for Literature and Reading: Audrienne Eguia
Fine Arts Award: Chelsea Geary
Personal Achievement for hard work, resiliency and perseverance: Linden Walz & JJ Kopieczek
Citizenship Award: Caroline Churko & Emelyan Moyer
Terry Homme Award for students who show empathy and support their peers: Eliza Portugal & Atticus Chambers
Elsie MacLellan Memorial Award for hard work, cooperation and a positive attitude: Tony Tran
Knights of Columbus Bursary Awards:
Emma Salas
Robyn Schneider
James Conlin

Food Donation for Saint Vincent de Paul
Our leadership team, under the guidance of Mrs. Cheng and Mr. Geary, has been instrumental in donating to several charities this year, one of them being St. Vincent de Paul. The SVdP Society services individuals and families who do not qualify for the government food programs but need help in making ends meet. They presented the team with a certificate for all their hard work.
Our team would like to do one FINAL collection this year as the SVdP pantry is bare for the summer. Please send non-perishable food items to the school Monday or Tuesday. Thank you on behalf of SVdP.
There is Celtics Club that morning but not after school.
Celtics Club will re-open in September. Have you registered to save your spot?
Registrations for Celtics Club for 2021 – 22 are on the website. Please complete a registration form to secure your spot. It is filling up quickly! For inquiries, please email Mrs. Scott at [email protected].
Message from the Minister of Education
As the 2020/21 school year draws to a close, Education Minister Jennifer Whiteside would like to thank everyone in the education system for their extraordinary efforts to keep students safe and to support their learning and wellbeing. Please see her letter enclosed below addressed to families. http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/bulletin/20210622/mjw-letter-to-parents-2021-final.pdf www.bced.gov.bc.ca
Zoom Music Bingo POSTPONED
We are postponing the Zoom Music Bingo (Sat. June 26th) to the fall. Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you to our Fundraising Team for all their efforts this year!
A Message from Cambridge Uniforms
Cambridge Uniforms is the proud supplier of the St. Patrick’s School uniform. For St. Patrick’s School families who are familiar with our services we look forward to assisting you again this season.
For new St. Patrick’s School families, welcome to Cambridge Uniforms. Our retail stores remain closed, however, our commitment is to provide you with care and attention throughout your online experience.
We recommend that your uniform orders are placed by:
New Students: June 30th
Returning Students: July 10th
We are pleased to offer a 5% discount on all orders placed online from June 21st to July 5th, 2021. This discount can also be applied to the new sweatpants and crewneck pieces!
Please be reminded ONLY CAMBRIDGE PROVIDED uniform pieces are allowed to be worn at school with the exception of socks (which have to be dark) and shoes. This includes sweatpants and sweatshirts.
Please see the letter attached. pdf SPMR_INFO_2021.pdf Download 514.9 KB
Week In a Glance
Important Dates:
June 29: Last Day of School; School Mass 9:15
June 29: 10:30am DISMISSAL
July 9: School Office Closes
On behalf of this AMAZING group of people, THANK YOU FAMILIES for a great year!

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