Walk with Jesus our Living Hope
June 18, 2021
“They woke him and said to him, ‘Master, do you not care? We are lost!’ And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet now! Be calm!’ And the wind dropped, and there followed a great calm.” Mark 4: 39
Dear Families,
We are definitely awaiting the calm after the storm, the return to normalcy – whatever form that will take for us after the school year we had! How reassuring to known that our God is able to calm the storms brewing in our lives, we just have to be patient for his timing.
I want to wish all our fathers and grandfathers in our community a very blessed and happy Father’s Day this Sunday. May you be strong, faithful role models for our children. God bless you all!
As we embark on our final full week together, please be mindful that our COVID protocols still remain in place for the remainder of this school year. Thank you for helping our students remain in compliance. We are running really low on kids masks at the office and would appreciate if your child (Gr. 4 – 7) came to school with their own.
With Minister Whitehead and Dr. Henry’s public update on June 17th, we have been told that schools can anticipate being fully opened without cohorts in September. We also anticipate that the
Temporary Transition option will not be available for the next school year. St. Patrick’s is not licensed for home school so if you are opting to keep your child home next year, you will most likely need to apply to an accredited home school.
FISA has sent the following notice:
“We are all encouraged by the recent downturn in COVID cases and the provincial uptake on vaccinations, but further Recovery Plan updates will be required and made available closer to the start of the next school year, based on the prevailing public health environment.”
I anticipate getting final requirements for reopening in late August. We will send out notice to our families then.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
What’s New?

There is Celtics Club that morning but not after school.
Celtics Club will re-open in September. Have you registered to save your spot?
Registrations for Celtics Club for 2021-22 are on the website. Please complete a registration form to secure your spot. It is filling up quickly! For inquiries, please email Mrs. Scott at [email protected].
Used Uniform Clearance Sale
We are having a clearance sale on USED uniforms on Wednesday from 1:30-2:30 outdoors. Cash and cheques only please.
Staffing Change
Due to situations out of our control, we will not have a French specialist next year. The classroom teachers will be teaching French using the Aim program. Teachers will also be supported with professional development in this area, as needed.
We are happy to report that Mrs. Boronco and Mrs. Murphy will be seeing classes three times a week, instead of twice.
Grade Five Class Lists
The staff is hard at work in creating class lists for our Grade Five classes next year. There are a number of factors that go into making lists: class composition, student needs, social interactions, etc.
Mr. Geary and Mrs. Geary, the Grade Five teachers next year, will be switching classes and mixing students up in various groups as they will be “platooning”. This means the students will be with both them throughout the day.
As the classes are still open for registration, we will wait until the end of August to release the final class lists. This allows us for movement, should the need arise. Thank you for your patience.

First Communion
Please pray for our Gr. 2 students who are going to be receiving their First Holy Communion tonight. May this milestone bring them closer to God and enrich their relationship with our Lord.
A Message from Cambridge Uniforms
Cambridge Uniforms is the proud supplier of the St. Patrick’s School uniform. For St. Patrick’s School families who are familiar with our services we look forward to assisting you again this season.
For new St. Patrick’s School families, welcome to Cambridge Uniforms. Our retail stores remain closed, however, our commitment is to provide you with care and attention throughout your online experience.
We recommend that your uniform orders are placed by:
New Students: June 30th
Returning Students: July 10th
We are pleased to offer a 5% discount on all orders placed online from June 21st to July 5th, 2021. This discount can also be applied to the new sweatpants and crewneck pieces!
Please be reminded ONLY CAMBRIDGE PROVIDED uniform pieces are allowed to be worn at school with the exception of socks (which have to be dark) and shoes. This includes sweatpants and sweatshirts.
Please see the letter attached. pdf SPMR_INFO_2021.pdf Download 514.9 KB
Week In a Glance
Mon. June 21 –
Tues. June 22 –
Wed. June 23 – Adoration& Benediction 11:30AM
Thurs. June 24 – Confessions Gr. 4N
Thurs. June 24 – Gr. 7 Farewell Evening – 6:00PM
Fri. June 25 – K-12 Health Check www.k12dailycheck.gov.bc.ca pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
June 18: School Mass – 9:15 am
June 18: First Communion – Group 2
June 24: Gr. 7 Farewell Evening – 6:00pm
June 29: Last Day of School; School Mass 9:15 – 10:30am DISMISSAL
July 9: School Office Closes
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