Weekly Update for St. Patrick’s School Community
Walk with Jesus Our Living Hope
October 16th, 2020
Dear Families,
We are already halfway through the month of October. I feel like these days remind me of motherhood, the days may seem long when we are in the thick of things but the year is starting to fly by. I am trying to slow down and enjoy the little moments with the children.
In the busyness of work life and my family life, I find it hard to sometimes just breathe. I want to share with you a song that I really enjoy and just reminds me that God has a plan that is bigger than me and that I just need to trust in His infinite wisdom.
May He bring you peace and joy as we find blessings in our every day.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
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What’s New?
Welcome Baby Geary
Thank you for your prayers! The Geary Family welcomed Grace Marie on October 10, weighing in at 7lbs 3oz. Both she and Mrs. Geary are doing well.

Parent Teacher Conferences
This year, we will be offering Parent-Teacher Conferences online. Please use the link below to sign up for a time to virtually meet with your child’s teacher. If you would like to meet with the specialist teachers (P.E., Music and French), please send them an email to book a time with them. If none of the times work for you, please email the classroom teacher and we will try and accommodate you on a different date.
If the link below is not working for you, you can go to www.schoolinterviews.ca and enter the event code stpat.
Teachers will re-send the Zoom Links closer to the date. School Interviews www.schoolinterviews.ca
Uniform Reminders
Just a reminder that skorts and shorts are no longer permitted.
Gym sweatshirt and sweatpants option need to be SOLID black.
Uniform checks will be happening by the end of this month and infraction notices may be sent home.
Photo Retakes
Retakes will happen on Oct. 26th and we invite our remaining Temporary Transition students to come in and get photos taken between 12:30 – 1:30pm. We ask that you line up physically distanced outside the gym and each student or family will be allowed in one at a time. Your child will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entering the gym and you will exit out a different door. Please conduct the health screening before coming to in the building.
Special Speaker for Grade 5-7
We have invited Signal Hill to come and do a Value Project Presentation for our Grades 5-7 on November 13th. They will speak to the grades for an hour each. The talks are geared for students in this age range. The outline for their presentation is as follows:
Brace Yourself (Elementary / Middle School)
In this presentation, we help pre-teens prepare for teenage life – with all of its challenges, influences and pressures – by helping them develop a strong foundation of positive self-worth.
Topics Covered
- Valuing ourselves & others
- The importance of having / being a good friend
- Respecting our parents, teachers and those who love us
- Preparing for the teenage years
- Social media do’s and don’ts
For more information on Signal Hill, you can visit their website at https://thesignalhill.com/
Community Outreach Opportunities
We are collecting Halloween candy donations again. We know Halloween this year may look different for your family but the need for candy donations still remain. The Good Shepherd Ministry (AGAPE) is looking for donations that they can use to spread the message of hope to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
We are also once again participating in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. Our school has taken part in this for the last 8 years and we have proudly been able to donate anywhere between 40 – 70 shoe boxes each year. All the information and materials you need will be made available next week. Collection week is Nov. 16th -19th at the school. If you are unable to bring your box in by the due date, you can bring it directly to Maple Ridge Baptist Church on Lougheed and 222nd.
Walk-a-thon Update
We will try to have our annual walk-a-thon in the spring when the weather is better and hopefully when we are able to do more with the students.
In the meantime, please watch out for fundraisers that our PFG has planned.
Week In a Glance
Wed. Oct. 21st – Early Dismissal at 2:00pm
Fri. Oct. 23th – Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL for students
Important Dates
Oct 23: Pro D – NO SCHOOL for students
Oct 26: Photo Retake Day
Oct 30: Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 5: Remembrance Day Assembly (Virtual)
Nov 11: Remembrance Day – No School
Nov 13: Interim Reports go home
Nov 20: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL for students
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