Walk with Jesus our Living Hope

January 15th, 2021
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and say to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ – which means the Christ – and he took Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, ‘You are Simon son of John; you are to be called Cephas’ – which means Rock.
John 1:41 – 42
Dear Families,
This stretch of time was always my favourite as a classroom teacher. I always felt that it provided the best learning opportunities for our students as the calendar was often more free and the students already knew the expectations in the classroom. You could really see the students blossom.
Now, as a principal, I see that during this time of year, we are already looking ahead to next year! We will have your re-registration packages out next week so please keep an eye on your email.
In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus is described in three various ways: Rabbi (Teacher), Lamb of God, and Messiah. This speaks of the ability He has to reach us all in so many ways. We can find connections to Him whenever we need Him.
As a child, I often referred to Jesus as “Papa Jesus” and our Mother Mary as “Mama Mary”. I think these terms were instilled in me, growing up in a Filipino catholic household! Even now as an adult, this view of God and Mary are comforting to me as I speak to them in prayer as I would speak to my own parents. I can turn to them in times of need, joy, sorrow and thankfulness.
In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
What’s New?
School Mass
Our classes are participating virtually during Friday Masses. They have created a beautiful setting in the classrooms. Thank you to Father Matthew, Mr. Goldberg, Mrs. Boronco, Mrs. Kravjanski, Mrs. Zochowski and Mr. McGuckin for making this all possible!
Catholic Schools Week (Feb. 8th -12th)
We would like to showcase the reasons why you have chosen to send your child(ren) to St. Patrick’s School! Please send us an email or a letter to share with current and prospective parents. We will share them on the school website. Feel free to add a family picture if you would like.
MAX 200 words, Due Jan. 25th
Fundraising Update
The Fundraising team is looking for Sponsors
The fundraising team will be hosting an online interactive Bingo night which will include a live auction. We are looking for 1 – 4 sponsors for the event with a minimum donation of $50.00. To run the event, we will need a total of $300.00 in total sponsorship. Sponsoring the event will get your company’s logo and name on the bingo cards.
If you are interested or have any questions please email Hailey McShane at [email protected]
Thank you!
PLEASE SEE THE LETTER ATTACHED BELOW REGARDING A COVID COOKBOOK. We need your help to pull together recipes for the book. Check out the student contest for designing the front cover!
Hot Lunch Orders
Order forms for Dominos Pizza are on the school website (link below).
Orders and payments are due by January 20th.
Hot Lunch Program | St. Patrick’s School www.stpatsschool.org
School Registration 2021 – 2022
We have had numerous inquiries about registrations for 2021 – 22 school year. We are in the process of updating the registration packages and will get them out to you soon.
PLEASE SEND Extra Clothes
The students are often coming in muddy and wet from recess. Ensure that your child is ready to go outside rain or shine! Please send an extra pair of pants, shirt and socks with your child. They do not have to be uniform pieces as they will only be used in emergencies.
Week In a Glance
Mon. Jan. 18th –
Tues. Jan. 19th –
Wed. Jan. 20th – Hot lunch orders and payment due
Thurs. Jan. 21st – Confessions – Gr. 7
Fri. Jan. 22nd – School Mass (virtual)
Important Dates:
Jan. 22nd: School Mass – K
Jan. 29th: Celtics Day – Wacky Hair/Hat Day – Donations for St. Clares
Feb. 8th -12th: Catholic Schools Week
Feb. 10th: Celebration non-uniform: Wear Valentines Colours
Feb. 11th & 12th: NO SCHOOL – Catholic Educator’s Conference
Feb. 15th: NO SCHOOL – Family Day
Feb. 17th: Ash Wednesday Mass/Hunger Lunch
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