Walk with Jesus Our Living Hope
What we are waiting for, relying on his promises, is the new heavens and new earth, where uprightness will be at home. So then, my dear friends, while you are waiting, do your best to live blameless and unsullied lives so that he will find you at peace. Second Peter 3:13-14
Dear Families,
Waiting can be difficult when we are anticipating something great and exciting. Advent reminds us that waiting in itself can also be a source of celebration. We are preparing for the coming of the Baby Jesus into our hearts. The traditions of lighting our Advent candles, putting up the tree and decorating our homes, helps with our countdown.
One of our favourite family traditions is setting up the nativity scene. We have two, one that is fragile and the kids “look” at and where we pray. The three Wise Men start far away and every day inch closer and closer to the manger. The other set is a Little People set that my children enjoyed playing with when they were younger. To this day, they still enjoy putting it out and play with the pieces as we set up.
Let us not forget in the busyness of our preparations that we also need to prepare our hearts by praying, going to confession and reflecting on God’s word. While we prepare for the Baby Jesus this Advent season, we are ultimately preparing for the day that He comes again and we can join him for eternity.
In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
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What’s New?
Temporary Transition Students
I would like to invite our Temporary Transition Students to meet with me in small groups via Zoom next week. I look forward to meeting them, even if it is through the screen. A Zoom invite will be sent out! It is an optional meeting but I would love to get to know you! Bring your hot chocolate, tea or coffee (that’s for me!) and we can have a chat!
Tuesday, Dec. 8th – 11:15-12:00: K – Gr. 2
Tuesday, Dec. 8th – 1:15-1:45: Gr. 3 & 4
Wednesday, Dec. 9th – 9:30-10:00: Gr. 5 – 7
Inclement Weather
It is inevitable that we will have some inclement weather this year. Our priority is always to ensure everyone’s safety as they make their way to school. We have a number of families and staff members who travel quite a ways to get to school. In the event that we have to physically close the school due to weather, it will be posted on the school website and sent out on the Remind App before 7:30am. Please do not phone the school as no one will be there to answer the phone calls.
Week In a Glance
Mon. Dec. 7th – St. Nicholas Visit – Each child will receive a small treat in their shoe!
Tues. Dec. 8th –
Wed. Dec. 9th – Pajama & Movie Day – please send in $1.00 for Chalice
Every student will receive a bag of popcorn. (See ingredients below). If your child cannot eat this, please send an alternative.
Thurs. Dec. 10th –
Fri. Dec. 11th – Christmas Concert to be sent out
Important Dates:
Dec. 9th: Pajama Day
Dec. 11th: Virtual Christmas Concert – A password protected link will be sent home on this day. **CHANGE OF DATE DUE TO TAPING**
Dec. 16th: Advent Assembly (Gr. 2) – Virtual
Dec. 18th: Last Day of School – NOON DISMISSAL – Celtics Day (Christmas Sweaters/Colours)
Jan. 4th: Temporary Transition students return to school
DEC. 18th – NO Celtics Club
Students are dismissed at NOON for Christmas break. There will be NO CELTICS CLUB that day. Please ensure you make arrangements for your children.

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