Dear Parents,
The City of Maple Ridge will be doing work on the city water tomorrow between 8:30am – 4:00pm. Unfortunately, they will be closing off 121st Ave between the parking lot gate and 227th. The city and I have come up with an alternate drop off and pick up route. I am attaching the map to this email so you have advanced notice on what it will look like. The city will provide two flaggers to help with traffic control, and I will have a couple of staff out tomorrow to help as well. Please be patient and follow the flaggers’ directions so that we can make it as smooth as possible.

Over the past few weeks there have been a lot of
students who have been bringing toys from home. We have always strongly
discouraged bringing toys from home as things get lost, traded, broken, and
unfortunately stolen. There have been a few items that have been stolen this
past week while I was away. As much as we identify as a Catholic community,
these things unfortunately still happen. I will address this with the students
today, to make sure that they understand the impact theft has on others and
self. Please do not allow your children to take toys to school. Should your
children still bring toys to school, we will take them away until the end of
the day. Thank you for your cooperation and support with this.
Christmas Photos (Dec.
6th & 7th) book your students spot! Ordering closes tomorrow, please be
sure to send in your Christmas Photo order forms to the office by Wednesday –
no late orders accepted.
The Christmas Hot
Lunch ordering closes Wednesday @ 7:00 pm be sure to place your orders today
and send in your payments to the school office.
Regards,Clive Heah|
St. Patrick’s School, Maple Ridge
604-467-1571 (t)