Dear Families,
REMINDER: NO CLASSES TOMORROW for Parent Teacher Conferences.
We look forward to having parents come back into the building tomorrow for the Parent Teacher Conferences. See you then!
One of the earliest memories I have as a child is hearing the Gospel about Zacchaeus the tax collector from my grandmother. She was a great storyteller, being a teacher herself, she was so animated and always told stories with gusto. I can recall how she shared Jesus’ love for everyone, even the hated tax collector. She also taught me these lessons with her actions. Living in the Philippines, my grandmother saw the need to share with those less fortunate. She used to donate food and money and helped send a lot of young men to the Seminary.
Then, a few days ago I read a book with our Kindergartens called, “What if Everyone Did That?” and it made me think, what if everyone did kind things without looking for acknowledgement? What if everyone chose their words with kindness? What if, just like Jesus, we forgave easily and let go of past hurts? Our world is hurting and maybe, just maybe, a little kindness will help us all heal.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Fonseca
Meet Our Staff Member of the Week
Click on the link to learn something about our wonderful staff! Updated weekly!
Calendar Confusion
I apologize for the calendar confusion regarding Celtics Day. We did change the date earlier this month to coincide with Halloween on Monday. The “Year At A Glance” was sent out in August and dates on that page are subject to change. Please refer to the live school calendar for the most up to date events. The link below has been changed to go directly to that page:
October 31st is a non-uniform day. Students can come to school dressed in orange, black and purple colours. Children are to bring a loonie or toonie to help support Angel our Chalice sponsor child if they do not come in uniform.
Please do not come in costume on Halloween.
Candy for Agape
We are collecting extra Halloween candy for Agape Street Ministry once again. These volunteers distribute candy and messages of hope to those who work on the streets. Please send your candy donations to the school by Nov. 10. Thank you!
On November 1st we invite students to come to school in dressed as their favourite biblical figure. Please see some easy ways to make a DIY costume for this occasion.
Those who choose not to participate will wear their regular uniform to school.
We have mass that day, no P.E. strip please.
October 31st is a non-uniform day. Students can come to school dressed in orange, black and purple colours. Please do not come in costume on Halloween.
School Photo Orders due Nov. 3 2022
Please place your orders online or send the order forms back to school by Nov. 3 to avoid additional costs.
Used Uniform Sale – Nov. 3 2022
We are hosting a Used Uniform Sale on November 3rd from 2:00 – 3:15 pm.
Pieces are first come, first served. Cash and cheques only please.
Volunteers Needed- RC Challenge Tournament
We are hosting an RC Challenge Tournament on Nov. 19 at St. Patrick’s and need scorekeepers and other roles. Please email [email protected] if you can help out.
We will also be able to take high school students needing to fulfill hours for school.

Fitness-A-Thon News
We have collected $18,064.00! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!
We will be purchasing replacement Chromebooks and iPads. We will also be painting some new games on the blacktop area for the students!
A.C.R.S.S. VISIT Nov. 9th – 7:00 PM
Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School Information Night for our Gr. 6 & 7 families. Students are encouraged to attend as well.
Fundraising Update
The Christmas Family Photo sessions are all sold out. Please email [email protected] if you would like to be added to the the waitlist.
There are some exciting upcoming opportunities coming up shortly.
Please check the school website.
Looking for a Camera
We would like to give the students an opportunity to take photos of school events. If anyone has a digital camera collecting dust at home, we would love to take it off your hands. Thanks!
Upcoming Events:
28: NO SCHOOL – Parent / Teacher Conferences
31: Celtics Day – Orange, Black & Purple – Loonie or Toonie for Chalice
01: All Saints Celebration – Students & staff are encouraged to dress up as their favourite biblical figure or saint
01: School Mass (Gr. 5)
03: Confession (Gr. 6M)
05: Spirit Day for Gr. 7
09: Hot Lunch
09: A.C.R.S.S. Info Night – 7:00 pm
10: Remembrance Day Assembly (Gr. 6B)
11: NO SCHOOL – Remembrance Day
18: School Mass (Gr. 4) – FOOD BANK DONATIONS
23: Hot Lunch
23: Photo Retake Day
24: Celtics Day
25: NO SCHOOL – Pro D Day
Weekly activities
Permissions slips must be handed in prior to attending. These are NOT open to all grades:
R.C. Challenge: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:00am (Mrs. Zochowski & Mrs. Steele)
Latin Club: Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm (Mr. Brooks)
Intermediate Choir: Wednesdays at 8:00 am (Mrs. Boronco)
Games Club: Thursdays at from 3:00 – 4:30 pm (Mr. Brooks & Mrs. Wagg)
Liturgy Choir:
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Tuesday, November 1 – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 3 & 4 – Wednesday, November 2, 9 & 16 – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 3 & 4 – School Mass Friday, November 18 – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 -Tuesday, November 22 & 29 – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Friday, December 2 – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 3 & 4 – Wednesday, December 7 & 14 – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 3 & 4 – School Mass Friday December 16 – morning practice @ 8:15am
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