Living,Celebrating,and Proclaiming Our Faith
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Dear Families,
This past week, pastors from parish schools and principals met to discuss the state of our schools. So many wonderful things are happening at our school and the other schools in the C.I.S.V.A. With the changes in society, we have been presented with many challenges. Archbishop Miller said something that really resonated with me. As parents, you are not just the first educators of your children, but also their first Catechist. What a wonderful gift to be able to share your faith with your child and give them the gift of a catholic education. As educators, we are also blessed to talk about our faith and teach with our catholic worldview. Please pray for all those involved in catholic education – our pastors, staff, students and families.

Join in praying the Novena for Catholic Schools!
Used Uniform Sale – Wednesday, April 24th
We will be having a Used Uniform Sale on Wednesday, April 24th @ 1:15 pm in the covered walkway.
Please bring your items for sale to the school office in clear Ziploc bags (one item per bag) marked with the family name and price.
If you are donating your items to the school, you do not have to individually bag and price.
Please do not send damaged or stained items, as they will not be sold.
Items will be collected until April 22nd at noon.
Only items handed in on time will be included in the April sale.
Hip Hop Week
We have our Hip Hop instructors from 1Vibe coming to teach the classes. At this time, we are uncertain if there will be a recital at the end of the week. We will let you know as soon as we have confirmation.
Return Mite Boxes – ASAP
At the start of Lent, we sent home mite boxes for our annual collection for the seminarians. Please return these boxes as soon as possible so we can send our donation. Thank you for your generosity.
Celtics Day – April 30th
Theme: Wacky Garden Day
– Dress as a vegetable/fruit or vegetable/fruit’s colour
– Dress as a gardener
– Dress as a flower
– Dress as something from your garden
– Best Costume for primary, intermediate & staff wins a prize, this will be judged by the Student Leadership Team
– Student Leadership Team members CAN NOT WIN
Parent Participation Tasks
If you are IN NEED OF HOURS, please check your portal to sign up.
We need parent supervisors at lunchtime between 12:00 and 12:30 pm and traffic control after school. We also require cleaning crews on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
School Mass on April 26th – POSTPONED
The school Mass on April 26th has been postponed. We are still collecting donations for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank. Please double-check the expiration dates before sending the donations. THANK YOU for your continued support.
Choir Practices
Please click on the link for a full schedule:
Upcoming Events:
19: Pro D Day – No School
22-26: Hip Hop Week
24: Hot Lunch: Dominos & Popcorn Day
26: Food Bank Collection – St. Vincent de Paul
30: Celtic Day: Wacky Garden Day
2: Choir Day at Holy Cross High School (Gr. 5-7)
3: School Mass – Crowning of Mary
10: School Mass – Mother’s Day
13: Track Meet (more details to follow)
15: Confirmation Rehearsal (Gr. 7)
17: Pro D Day – No School
20: No School – Victoria Day
21: Confirmation (Gr. 7)
23: Track Meet (more details to follow)
24: School Mass
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