“Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has saved you.’ And at once his sight returned and he followed him along the road.” Mark 10:52 Daily Health Check
Friday, October 22nd, 2021
Dear Families,
We had a school Mass today and Father Matthew’s homily is tied to this Sunday’s Gospel. He talked to the students about how our faith is bigger than any of the evils that might tempt us. While it may seem like a staggering challenge, we can triumph over it because our faith is on our side.
Please pray for our Gr. 7’s as they are going to Outdoor Ed. on Monday and Tuesday.
Thursday is Celtics Day — the theme is Fall/Halloween colours, NO COSTUMES. Please send a twoonie for non-uniform. All donations go towards a variety of Catholic charities every month.
We are collecting Halloween candy for Agape this year. Please send your extra candy the week of November 1st.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
Parking Lot Feedback
It has been approximately two weeks since we started closing the gate off Edge Street to try and keep the parking lot calmer and open up parking spots for our families. We would like to give you an opportunity to give feedback prior to our P.E.C. meeting. The survey below will be open until Sunday evening.
Thank you again for all your support. Please forward all pledge forms and money to the school. We will do a draw for prizes at the end of the week.
School Photo Orders
Paper orders and payments are due at the school Monday, October 25th.
Online orders place before Dec. 1st are delivered to the school with no delivery surcharge.

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Friday, October 29th
Please book a time with your child’s classroom teacher using the link below:
Parent Evening: November 4th
St. Patrick’s School is inviting you to a virtual parent evening on Zoom. Please join us for an evening of learning and discussion.
Topic: The Church in Your Home
With speakers: Randy & Mary Tabada
Time: Nov. 4th, 2021 06:30 P.M. Vancouver
Join Zoom Meeting
Fundraisers Update
The Christmas photo fundraiser this weekend is SOLD OUT! Thank you!
Please be sure to arrive at the school early for your scheduled appointment.
Coffee orders – Global Coffee orders will be available for pick up @ St. Patrick’s School on Saturday, October 23rd & Sunday, October 24th between 10:00am – 3:00pm
Message from the Principal at Archbishop Carney
I hope and pray that this email finds you well and healthy.
In anticipation of the Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School Open House, which takes place on November 25th, we wanted to offer individual parent information sessions to each of our elementary feeder school families.
November 17th, 2021, 7:00pm St. Patrick’s (In person in our school gym)
Please see attached flyer for more information.
We look forward to seeing you!
Mr. Len DeJulius

School Life in Pictures
Upcoming Events:
23: R.C. Challenge
23 & 24: Photo Sessions for Fundraising
25 & 26: Gr. 7 Outdoor Ed. Day Camp
27: Hot Lunch: Brownies Chicken
28: NO GAMES CLUB today
29: NO SCHOOL – Parent /Teacher Conferences
3: Photo Retakes
4: Virtual Parent Evening – The Church in Your Home
11: NO SCHOOL – Remembrance Day
19: NO SCHOOL – Pro D Day
26: Interims go home
26: Celtics Day
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