Dear Families,
Prayer to End a School Year
God of wisdom, we thank you for all the gifts you have given us throughout this school year. We praise you for giving us life, for saving us in Christ, and for choosing us to be your people.
As we come to the end of this school year, we voice our gratitude for the good things you have done in us, and we praise you for all who have shared in the work of St. Patrick’s School.
We ask that you bless them in your love and give them refreshment and peace. We praise you, God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
On behalf of the staff of St. Patrick’s School, we want to want to thank you all for your support and for trusting us with your children. Thank you for the well wishes and generous gifts.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
Year Calendar 2022-23
This is a tentative calendar for the next school year. We have tried to put as many dates as possible. Please note that dates are still subject to change.
Year Calendar 2022-23.pdf Download 60.4 KB
Sports Camp Cancelled
Due to low registration, we are cancelling the summer sports camp. Please let the office know if you would like to pick up your cheque or if we can shred them.
We hope to be able to offer it next year!
Thank you!
We want to thank Mr. Misceo, Mr. Heidt and the rest of the Parent Participation crew who helped build our new Gaga Ball Pit! It has been a success and the kids love it! It will be used for years to come.

Track Awards
What a great way to end our track season. Please see the photos below of our students who received Top 8 finishes at the C.I.S.V.A. Track and Field Meet. (missing were Ayva S. & Isaiah S., not pictured Ameliana)
Students with Medication at School
If your child has a medical condition requiring medicine to be kept at school, it was sent home today.
If your child is returning to St. Pat’s next year, you will find the 2022-2023 medical forms attached to the medicine bag.
Some of these forms require a physician’s signature, please be sure to arrange this over the summer, so all the paperwork is ready to go for September.
New family looking for carpool
We have a new family joining in Gr. 6 next year looking for a carpool.
They live near 248th St. and Dewdney Trunk Rd.
Please contact Rajat Mendiratta at [email protected] or 778.938.8407, if you can help out in any way. Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
June 29th & 30th: 9:00am – 3:00pm
July 1st: Closed for Canada Day
July 4th – 7th: 9:00am – 3:00pm
July 9th: 9:00am – NOON
Office closed from July 10th – August 21st
August 22nd – September 1st: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Closed on August 31 for a Pro D Day
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