One Family, One Hope in Christ

Daily Health Check
Friday, June 17, 2022
Dear Families,
What a great way to get to the close of our school year. A big thank you to our Gr. 7 students and staff for preparing Fun Day. I just love being able to do these things with the community.
This weekend is the Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. What an wonderful gift it was to witness our Gr. 2 students receiving their First Holy Communion last Sunday. My favourite sight is always watching their faces as they walk back to their pews after receiving the body of Christ. Their faces are full of joy and awe.
Last night was the final night of our Confirmation masses. Please continue to pray for our Gr. 7’s as they move on to high school with the grace of the Holy Spirit!
A big thank you to Father Paul, Father Matthew, Mrs. Wagg, Ms. Molina, Mrs. Zochowski, Mrs. Steele, all the liturgical choirs/singers, altar servers, ushers and Mr. Goldberg for ALL their help in making these celebrations happen. It truly takes our faith community to create such wonderful moments.
On Sunday, we also celebrate all the fathers in our community! Happy Father’s Day! May God continue to bless you in your vocation as a parent and help you in guiding and shaping these amazing children.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
Mrs. Murphy is hosting two Sports Camps this July for those students going into Gr. 5 – 7.
July 4th – 8th: Volleyball Camp
July 11th – 15th: Basketball Camp
Students may choose one week or both.
Camps will run from 9:00am – 12:00pm daily. Students will be asked to come in athletic wear (that follows school dress code expectations), and bring a water bottle and healthy snack.
Cost: $100.00 per student, $75.00 for additional students in the same family.
Registration forms will come home on Monday, June 20th.
Please return promptly as it is first come, first served for spaces.
I want to take a moment to thank a few groups who have helped out immensely this year with their support and time.
Thank you to our P.E.C. members. They dedicate their time to supporting the parish and school and lend their leadership. We have two outgoing members who will be missed: Mr. Goldberg & Mrs. McShane.
Thank you to all our volunteers who have helped with supervision, hot lunches, library, maintenance and clean up. You are the behind the scenes superheroes!
Thank you to our fundraising team who have had to think outside the box to ensure that we have funds to use on the students. Their efforts are much appreciated.
Thank you to our P.S.G. who bring in exciting activities and help fund special items for our students. The P.S.G. also has two outgoing members who will be missed: Mrs. Tuck & Mrs. Feschuk.
Step Up Day
On June 24 from 9:15 – 10:15am our students will be “stepping up” to the next grade to meet their teacher and to get a taste of what it will be like in September.
We also invite new families who will be in Gr.’s 1 – 7 in September to bring in their children at this time.
Incoming Kindergarten students will NOT be participating in Step Up Day.
St. Vincent de Paul Donations
A big thank you from the St. Luke’s St. Vincent de Paul organization for all your donations all year. Each food bank Mass has helped to fill their pantries. If you would like to donate over the summer, please contact St. Luke’s Parish. We will resume our collection with our Mass in September.
Last Day Reminders
Last Day of school is on June 28.
We will have Mass at 9:15am, followed by coffee and treats for parents at Holy Grounds. The students will return to class after Mass to gather report cards and will be dismissed at 10:30 am.
Used Uniform Sale
LAST SALE: Thursday, June 23rd from 2:00pm to 3:15pm near the gym door.
Please drop off items at least two days before the sale marked with a reasonable price, size of item & family name in a ziplock bag, if you would like the money to be forwarded to you! We LOVE donations as the money received goes back to the school. It is a WIN WIN! “
Liturgical Choir Practices
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – Wednesday June 22nd – lunch recess practice @ 12:00 pm
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Tuesday, June 28th – morning practice @ 8:15 am
Year Calendar 2022-23
This is a tentative calendar for the next school year. We have tried to put as many dates as possible. Please note that dates are still subject to change.
Note that the Spring Concert Dates have been updated.
Year Calendar 2022-23.pdf Download 60.4 KB
Upcoming Events:
24: Gr. 7 Farewell
28: Last day! Mass (Gr. 3) 10:30 am Dismissal – NO CELTICS CLUB
June 29 & 30: 9am-3pm
July 1: Closed for Canada Day
July 4-7: 9am-3pm
July 9: 9am – NOON
Office closed from July 10-Aug 21
August 22- September 1: 9am-3pm
Closed on August 31 for Pro D
A Message from The Knights Of Columbus

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