Celtics ChatterSt. Patrick’s School, Maple Ridge
Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith
January 12, 2024
Dear Families,
Welcome back to a new year! A year filled with possibilities and being open to God’s plan for us. May 2024 be a year of blessings and joy for you and your loved ones.
Next month, we will be celebrating Catholic School Week! A great way to show our love and gratitude to all those involved in Catholic education – YOU, the parish, our students and the staff! We will be hosting our Open House on January 23 and would love to share some of your testimonies about St. Patrick’s School.
Please take a moment to write a few sentiments about sending your children to our school and what that means. We would truly appreciate it. Please send this and a family photograph (optional) to [email protected]. It will be published on the website and shared with the community. All entries will be eligible to win a “Family Night Out” prize!
Yours In Christ
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
Grade 4 Winter Art
URGENTLY NEEDED- Cleaning Crew Supervisor
We URGENTLY need a Thursday Cleaning Crew Supervisor. The shift is every other Thursday from 5-7:30 pm. The supervisor is responsible for unlocking and locking up the buildings and ensuring a good clean. Please email [email protected] asap if you are interested.
Hot Lunch Order Form Live
This is to let you know that the January Hot Lunch Order Forms are now live.
January 24th – Domino’s
Ordering closes WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th at 5:00pm.
No late orders will be accepted.
Online payment is available. Cash and cheque are still accepted; please carefully label your payments with your child’s last name and classroom.
All cash or cheque payments due to the school by Thursday, Jan. 18th at 9:00am.
There are no refunds or cancellations possible.
If your child is absent on the day of Hot Lunch, your child’s lunch can be picked up from the school kitchen between 12:45 & 1:15pm.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jen at [email protected]
Pancake Breakfast- Jan. 14
This Sunday is the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast! Give yourselves the morning off from cooking and join us in the gym!
Monthly birthday winners are Elric K. Thomas W. & Chloe C.
Used Uniform Sale- Jan. 31
We are having a Used Uniform sale on Jan. 31 from 1:15-2:15 pm under the covered walkway. Please bring cash or cheques.
Spelling Bee- January 24
Students participating in the St. Patrick’s School Spelling Bee will have their written test on Wednesday, January 24. This will determine who will move on to train for the oral spelling bee.
Learning Update
Please sign and send back the learning update folders and envelopes.
Parish News- January 12
You are all invited to Encounter tonight for Adoration and Benediction. We would like to extend a special invitation to our sacramental families as we will have a special speaker share their testimony.
Choir Practices
Please click on the link for a full schedule:
Trivia Night Tickets are AVAILABLE here:

Upcoming Events:
23: Open House for New Families
26: School Mass (7M)
19: Gr 2 Parent Meeting- 6:30 pm
29: Grade 7 Net Ministry Retreat
02: Student Led Conferences (No regular classes)
03: Trivia Night Fundraiser
08: New Registration Accepted
09: School Mass (6)
12: Catholic Schools Week
15-16: No School- Catholic Educators Conference
19: No School- Family Day
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