Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation

Friday, September 9, 2022
We have had a great start to our year! The hallways are filled with laughter and smiles once again and the students and staff are all hard at work. We are all excited for what is to come this year.
The Catholic Independent Schools Vancouver Archdiocese are saddened by the news of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. In memory of Her Majesty The Queen, CISVA schools are asked to lower their flags to half-mast. Flags will remain at half-mast “until sunset on the day of the memorial service (date to be determined). Flags will only be raised to full-mast on the day the accession of the new King is proclaimed.”
We hope to see you all at the Parish Festival this Saturday and at the Parent Information Night on Thursday. Students are not required to attend the Information Night. If you are unable to attend, please let your child’s teacher know. We will start in the gym at 6:30pm and classroom sessions will start at 7:00pm.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
West Coast Recesses
While we have been enjoying nice weather, it is inevitable that we will start to get rain. We do strive to have outdoor recesses as much as possible. Please ensure your child has good OUTDOOR shoes, a jacket and extra socks in their backpack. This will help keep them comfortable when they come back in. Due to supervision, we must send all students out when it is an outdoor recess.
Music Dept Info
GR. 6&7 Band
– starting on Monday September 12, 2022 students of the Gr. 6&7 will need to bring their assigned instruments every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Liturgical Choir Practices
- Gr. 3,4 – Wednesday September 14, 21 – lunch choir practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 3,4 – School Mass Friday, September 23rd – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 5,6,7 – Wednesday September 28th, October 5th – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 5,6,7 – School Mass Friday October 7th – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 3,4 – Wednesday October 12, 19 – Lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 3,4 – School Mass Friday October 21st – morning practice @ 8:15am
RC Challenge
The RC (Roman Catholic) Challenge is a jeopardy type of trivia team game, where our students compete in tournaments with fellow Catholic schools. The tournaments are held in October and November.Practices will start on September 13 at 8am and will be running every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am in the Atrium.
Please return permission slip before the first practice.
Hot Lunch– Due Sept 13
September Hot Lunch order forms are now live!
September 21st, 2022 – we will be serving Domino’s Pizza.
Order forms CLOSE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th AT 9:00AM.
No late orders can be accepted.
Online payment is available. Cash and Cheque are still accepted; please carefully label your payments with your child’s last name and classroom.
There are no refunds or cancellations possible, as we order everything the Tuesday before.
If your child is absent on the day of hot lunch, your lunch can be picked up from the school kitchen between 1 and 2pm; otherwise it will be refrigerated for your child for 1 day before it is discarded.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jen at [email protected]
Wasteless Lunches
We are a “wasteless lunch” community. This means any garbage that comes in lunches, such as wrappers and plastic containers MUST BE TAKEN HOME. We do not have recycling facilities for plastic containers. You can help eliminate the garbage by using reusable lunch containers.
Fundraiser Committee
Stay tuned for news regarding an Online Auction later this month. We have exciting items to auction off!

Service Dog at School
From time to time, we will have a service dog on the premises for one of our students. If you have any concerns due to allergies, please let the office know.
Remind App
We use the Remind App to send updates about important school information, especially when emergencies arise.
To sign up for St Patrick’s Community A notifications, please visit on your mobile device.
Year Calendar 2022-23
This is a tentative calendar for the next school year. We have tried to put as many dates as possible. Please note that dates are still subject to change.
Year Calendar 2022-23.pdf Download 60.4 KB
Upcoming Events:
10: St. Patrick’s Fall Festival
15: Welcome Back Info Night- 6:30pm
19-20: Staff Retreat (No School)
23: Terry Fox Assembly & Walk
23: School Mass (Gr 7)
28: Adoration & Benediction
29: Celtics Day- Orange Shirt Day
30: National Truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)
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