“Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.” Mark 9:41
Friday, September 24, 2021
Dear Families,
We are now officially in the season of Fall!
Here is a prayer for you and family as we revel in the beauty around us.
God of all seasons, we thank you for Autumn.
We thank you
for the touch of coolness in the air that gives us a new burst of energy,
for the coloring of trees that shows the creativity of your hand,
for the falling leaves that reveal the strength of the branches,
for the hues of fields that bring peace to our souls,
for the smiles on pumpkins that bring joy to children,
for the fall harvest which that brings us gratitude for the bounty of our land,
for this change of seasons that reveals the circle of life.
God of all seasons, as you transform the earth, transform us by your Spirit.
We have had an unusual number of absentees this week but we are grateful that you are keeping your children home when they feeling ill. A notice came home this week outlining symptoms and when to get tested for COVID-19. We thank you for your help in keeping us all safe.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

Picture Day – September 28th
All students must be in their regular uniform.
Green sweaters or vests are mandatory.

Truth & Reconciliation
Sept. 29th is Orange Shirt Day – students are invited to wear orange shirts with non uniform bottoms. Students may also come to school in their uniforms if families prefer.
Sept. 30th is a new Federal Statutory Holiday for Truth and Reconciliation. The school will be closed.
Music Zoom Bingo
Saturday, October 2nd
6:30 – 9:00pm
Play on Zoom from home!
Bingo cards are $10.00 each and we play 3 patterns.
Please check school website for more information or email [email protected]
THANK YOU to our Parent Fundraising Team for all their hard work!
Shout out to John Cashin from Remax Realty for sponsoring this event!
Fitness-A-Thon – October 15th
Our first tally day is on Monday, Sept. 27th!
Please fill in, cut and send in the bottom of the pledge tally sheet so we can start tracking our progress! Last year, I told the students they could give me a makeover if we made our goal! I still need to unveil the winning look in the next few weeks!
This year if we reach our goal of $15,000.00 the whole school will get a movie afternoon, complete with popcorn and snacks! (That works out to $65.00 in pledges per child).
The funds will be used for renovations for our beloved school!
Uniform Update
If your child is still waiting for uniform pieces from Cambridge, please let your child’s teacher and the office know. We don’t want to mistakenly give a uniform infraction if it is out of your control.
Parent Evening- Save The Date
This year we are offering three free evenings for parents to listen to some information and engage in conversation with one another. Our first evening is on November 4th at 6:30 pm. At this time, it will be virtual but will update you in the event we can have it in person.
The topic for our first evening is Church At Home.
Mark your calendars!
Upcoming Events:
28: Student Photo Day
29: Orange Shirt Day
30: NO SCHOOL – New Federal Statutory Holiday – Truth & Reconciliation Day
1: School Mass (led by Gr. 6)
6: Cross Country finals (by invitation only)
8: NO SCHOOL – Pro D Day
11: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Day
15: FItness-A-Thon – NOON DISMISSAL
25 – 26: Gr. 7 Outdoor Ed. Day Camp
29: Parent – Teacher Conferences pdf Year Calendar 2021-22.docx (1).pdf Download 389.4 KB
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