Dear Families,
Our staff had a wonderful two day retreat at Loon Lake, thanks to Father Matthew and the PEC for their support in helping to make this happen. We prayed, sang, worshipped and celebrated in God’s beautiful creation. We want to thank Father Gio from Chilliwack for his inspiring talks on evangelization and our mission in the church. We also want to thank Mr. Chow and Mrs. Boyer for their involvement in our retreat.
I would like to share with you a song that was played during our CISVA Faith Development Day a few weeks ago. This song was released in 1998 and rings true with our theme this year. On Thursday, September 29, we invite our community to wear orange shirts for reconciliation and healing.
Have a restful weekend!
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

Meet Our Staff Member of the Week
Click on the link to learn something about our wonderful staff! Updated weekly!
Keeping Kids home with Illness
We have had quite a number of students in the office throughout the day with various symptoms and most report that they were displaying these symptoms before coming to school. It is really important to check your children before coming to school and please keep them home if they are unwell. This will help keep us all healthy!

Fitness-A-Thon News
Do you like Family Games Night?
This year, we are excited to have Celtics Game Day for Fitness-a-Thon. Students will participate in a variety of board game style activities! Guess Who staff edition, Hungry Hungry Hippos giant sized, Chutes and Ladders obstacle course. It will be a fun time!
Please get those pledges in and help us raise funds to replace some of our aging technology.
Remember that a part of our funds raised are given to a charity!
Our Fitness–a-Thon is on Oct 7, 2022 and we still NEED parent volunteers to help with our stations from 10:30-11:45. We have mass at 9am and will be dismissing at noon.
The stations will be set up in the gym and outdoors. Parents will need to be at the stations to ensure that the students know what to do when they get there. Staff will be with each class for supervision.
Thank you!

Oktoberfest Tickets To Be Raffled Off
The Knights of Columbus have donated 2 pairs of tickets (a $90 value) to the Annual K of C Oktoberfest on October 1, 2022.
All students who bring in their first donation slip for Fitness-a-Thon on Monday, Sept 26 (just the slip, please DO NOT send in money!) will have their family name put in the draw for the tickets.
Tickets for the Oktoberfest are also available at the school and parish offices.
Upcoming Events:
28: Adoration & Benediction
29: Celtics Day- Orange Shirt Day
30: National Truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)
03: Picture Day
05: C.I.S.V.A Cross Country Meet (by invitation)
07: School Mass(6B)
07: Fitness-a-Thon (NOON DISMISSAL)
10: Thanksgiving(No School)
18 &19: Gr 7 Outdoor Ed Day Ed
21: School Mass (6M)
27: Celtics Day
28: Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School)
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