Jesus said, ‘In truth I tell you, there is no one who has left house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or land for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundred times as much, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and land – and persecutions too – now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.’
Mark 10: 29-30 Daily Health Check
Friday, October 8th, 2021
Dear Families,
October is the month of the Rosary. What a powerful prayer! I find it comforting to be able to focus on praying to our Mother in Heaven. I have very fond memories as a young child praying the rosary with my grandmother. She gave me one with beads made of rose petals and I brought that with me for all my exams in high school and university!
Check out the link below: Animated Rosary for Kids.
We are inviting parents to come to church after drop off (8:40a.m.) on October 18th to pray the Rosary for our community, to be led by Mrs. Tabada. Let us pray for our students, staff and families.
There are many pictures attached to this newsletter. I have also added buttons at the end of the newsletter for easy navigation to absentee notes, hot lunch ordering and the fundraising page.
On behalf of the staff of St. Patrick’s School we wish you all a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving weekend.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
The last day to wear skorts (girls) and navy blue shorts (boys) was today!
Summer options of skorts and shorts will be allowed again after Spring Break.
We will be having a Used Uniform Sale next Thursday, October 14th 2:30- 3:30. Please feel free to send items that are in great condition that do not fit your children anymore. We can take them as donations & this will benefit the school. Or we can sell them for you; $$ goes back to you or 50% can be donated to the school, your choice. This helps everyone: the school, other families & the environment!!
Please only send laundered items that are in good condition. No stains or tears please. Drop off at the office before next Wednesday. We are in great need of gym uniform items.
Spelling Program
There have been some inquiries regarding our Grade 1-7 spelling program. Our school is using Words Their Way. Words Their Way is a developmental spelling, phonics, and vocabulary program. Words Their Way is an open-ended individual process. Spelling lists are based on the phonological make up of the words and whether students can recognize the patterns and apply it to other words in their daily writing. While the spelling lists may seem “easy” at that level, the underlying phonological awareness is the goal.
Teachers used an assessment tool to guide them in a starting point for each individual. Our goal is that the students progress at their own pace and that the program can be continuous to the next year. We can than track how individuals are doing.
Fitness-A-Thon October 15th
Our next tally is on Tuesday, October 12th!
Please fill in, cut and send in the bottom of the pledge tally sheet so we can continue tracking our progress!
This year if we reach our goal of $15,000.00 the whole school will get a movie afternoon, complete with popcorn and snacks! (That works out to $65.00 in pledges per child).
All students who bring in their slips get their names in a draw for prizes!
The funds will be used for renovations for our beloved school!

Cross Country
Congratulations to our athletes who participated in the CISVA Cross Country Meet on Oct. 6th. It was a great day of races and it was so nice to be able to cheer them on as they represented our school!
All the students did great! Our top finisher for our school was Marcus in Gr. 7 with a 4th place finish!
School Life in Pictures
Upcoming Events:
11: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Day
13: Gr. 7 Girls Volleyball Tournament – Q.A.S.
13: Hot Lunch – Loz Takos
14: Gr. 5 Girls Volleyball Tournament – O.L.A.
15: FItness-A-Thon – NOON DISMISSAL
22: Food Bank Mass – Please bring non-perishable items to donate
23 & 24: Photo Sessions for Fundraising
25 & 26: Gr. 7 Outdoor Ed. Day Camp
27: Hot Lunch – Brownies
29: NO SCHOOL – Parent – Teacher Conferences
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