No School-Monday, October 9, 2023- Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, October 6, 2023
Dear Families,
A big CONGRATULATIONS to all our Cross Country athletes who represented our school so well. Our team came in 15th overall out of almost 40 elementary schools! I am most proud of their behaviour and sportsmanship at the event. Way to go!
Wishing you all a blessed and restful Thanksgiving weekend!
Here’s a little prayer Father Matthew taught the students at mass today:
Gobble, gobble, whee, whee!
Jesus, come be with me.
Gobble, gobble, whee, whee!
Jesus, set me free.
Have a blessed weekend!
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
Fitness-A-Thon- Oct. 13
Next week we are doing a FITNESS-A-THON PLEDGE BLITZ!
Every day students will have an opportunity to get their name in a draw to win prizes until Oct. 13. To get their name in the draw, they MUST bring in their pledge slip! This weekend is a great time to get pledges from family and friends! Ask for their support so we can hit our goal of $18, 000. This fundraiser DIRECTLY benefits the students as purchase items that they use themselves!
Noon Dismissal on Oct. 13– No Celtics Club
Save the Date: Parent- Teacher Conferences- Oct. 27
Please note that this year, we are not doing Zoom appointments during the Parent- Teacher Conferences. As we are using the OnVolunteers platform, ensure that you have logged into your portal to ensure a smooth sign-up process. The sign-up link will be sent home next week.
Just a reminder to login to OnVolunteers you must use the email that you registered your family with. The default password is Celtics1 and you can change that upon logging in the first time.
Health and Safety
With reports of increased Flu and Covid cases, we have had questions regarding school protocols. There are no restrictions in BC schools at this time. We ask parents to keep sick children home for the wellbeing of all students and staff. Students will not miss anything that can’t be remedied once they are feeling better and return to school.
Crib Club- Grades 3 & 4
There is a Crib Club starting at St. Patrick’s for students in grade 3 and 4! We are asking families if anyone can donate/lend cribbage boards for the club to use. If you are able to lend your crib board, please clearly state your name on the bottom of the crib board and it will be returned to you in June. All crib boards are to be given to Mrs. Wagg. Thank you in advance!
IMPORTANT Parent Participation Information
A word from the PEC:
As you are aware, our school has moved to OnVolunteer to track and manage our parent participation hours.
While we anticipate this to be of great benefit to our school, we are aware that there are still a few wrinkles in the system that need to be worked out. We want to thank you in advance for your patience and support.
Moving to OnVolunteer has given clarity to the disparity of hours with specific assignments. We still, however, expect all parents to contribute a total of 50 hours for the year. If you are assigned a task and it does not add up to 50 hours, please sign up for additional tasks on the portal as tasks pop up.
With OnVolunteer we see the opportunity to create ad hoc tasks that parents can pick up, and we are working towards an effective and efficient way to do this.
September was a bit of a grace period with check-ins and check-outs as the system was new for us all. Moving forward, to ensure you are credited your hours, please use the check-in/check-out portal IN THE SCHOOL OFFICE, during school hours. When the office is closed, you must check in and out with your team lead. Any “no shows” will be charged for the missing hours.
Once again, thank you for your patience – and if you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]
Liturgical Choir Practices
- Grade 4, 5 – Wednesday, October 18, 25 – lunch recess practice @ 12:00 pm
- Grade 4, 5 – School Mass Wednesday November 1 – morning practice @ 8:00 am
- Grade 6, 7 – Wednesday, November 8, 15 – lunch recess practice @ 12:00 pm
- Grade 6, 7 – School Mass Friday, November 17 – morning practice @ 8:00 am
- Grade 4, 5 – Wednesday, November 29, December 6 – lunch recess practice @ 12:00 pm
- Grade 4, 5 – School Mass Friday, December 8 – morning practice @ 8:00 am
- Grade 6, 7 – Wednesday, December 13, 20 – lunch recess practice @ 12:00 pm
- Grade 6, 7 – School Mass Friday, December 22 – morning practice @ 8:00 am


Upcoming Events:
09: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving
11: Hot Lunch – Bella Nonna’s
13: Fitness-a-thon – NOON DISMISSAL
17 & 18: Gr. 7 Outdoor Ed.
25: Hot Lunch- Loz Tacos
27: Parent- Teacher Conferences (No regular classes)
31: Celtics Day- Orange & Black Day
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