Dear Families,
This week some of had the privilege of spending time at Outdoor Ed with our Grade Seven class. What a great experience! The kids had an opportunity to do some team building, ride horses and enjoy some time in nature. As it is a retreat, Mrs. Geary also led them in prayerful activities.
Thank you to our Grade 6s who led Mass today and to our liturgical choir.
Thank you to the staff for holding down the fort while we were away. I am continually blessed with the wonderful people we have working at St. Patrick’s!
Have a great weekend!
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Fonseca
Living Rosary Paraliturgy- Oct. 26th
Our Grade Three class is leading a living rosary paraliturgy on October 26th at 1:15 in the gym. Please come and join us if you can.
Parent- Teacher Conferences – Oct. 28th 2022
A reminder that there are no classes on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
This day is part of our reporting to parents on your child’s progress thus far in class.
If you have not signed up for a time, please use this link or email your child’s teacher:
RC Challenge
Congratulations to our RC Challenge Teams who participate in a tournament last weekend. One of our teams, Inspirare Sanctus Spiritus, placed second overall!
Thank you to Mrs. Zochowski and Mrs. Steele for all their preparation with the students. We are hosting a tournament at St. Patrick’s on November 19. We are looking for parent volunteers. Please let us know if you are available.
Fitness-A-Thon News
Please bring in all your donations so we can get a final count.
We are so close to our goal! We will be able to update some of our Chromebooks and iPads.

A.C.R.S.S. VISIT Nov. 9th – 7:00PM
Mark Your Calendars!Mr. De Julius, Principal at Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School, will hold a parent meeting at St. Patrick’s School on November 9th at 7:00pm in the Gr. 7 classroom. This is open to all our Gr. 6 & 7 families. This is a great opportunity to hear about the high school and to ask Mr. De Julius any questions you may have.
Fundraising Update
Please support our Coffee Fundraiser. Click here to order coffee and hot chocolate:
Mark your calendars! Nov. 5 & 6 Family Photo Fundraiser
Remind App
We use the Remind App to send updates about important school information, especially when emergencies arise.
To sign up for St Patrick’s Community notifications, please visit on your mobile device.
Weekly activities
Permissions slips must be handed in prior to attending. These are NOT open to all grades:
R.C. Challenge: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:00am (Mrs. Zochowski & Mrs. Steele)
Latin Club: Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00pm (Mr. Brooks)
Intermediate Choir: Wednesdays at 8:00am (Mrs. Boronco)
Games Club: Thursdays at from 3:00 – 4:30pm (Mr. Brooks & Mrs. Wagg)
Liturgy Choir:
- Gr. 5,6,7 – Tuesday October 25 – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 5,6,7 – School Mass Tuesday November 1 – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 3,4 – Wednesday November 2,9, 16 – Lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 3,4 – School Mass Friday November 18 – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 5,6,7 -Tuesday November 22, 29 – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 5,6,7 – School Mass Friday December 2 – morning practice @ 8:15am
- Gr. 3,4 – Wednesday December 7, 14 – lunch practice @ 12:00pm
- Gr. 3,4 – School Mass Friday December 16 – morning practice @ 8:15am
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