Celtics Chatter, Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday, October 15th, 2021

Dear Families,

The feedback has been positive thus far for keeping the Edge Street gate closed in the morning. It seems to have calmed down our parking lot. We are going to keep that gate closed in the mornings, for now you can access the parking lot from 121st Avenue. In the afternoon for pick ups, we will open the gate at 2:30 (1:45 on Wednesdays).

Please remember there is NO SCHOOL PARKING IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL AND THE PARISH CENTRE. Thank you for your cooperation in helping keep our parking lots safe.

Please click on the “Fundraiser Button” below to check our our Coffee Fundraiser. Don’t miss out it closes Oct. 18th. There is a limited number of spots left for Christmas photos! Book now!

PLEASE READ THE EXPOSURE TO MEDIA VIOLENCE BELOW. Something that seems innocent like children’s games can be used for evil when we let our guard down.

Yours In Christ,

Mrs. Maria Fonseca

Exposure to Media Violence

Research has associated exposure to media violence with a variety of physical and mental health problems for children and adolescents, including aggressive and violent behavior, bullying, desensitization to violence, fear, depression, nightmares, and sleep disturbances.

Unfortunately, a popular Netflix show called Squid Game, is being viewed by children from our school. This show presents as a youthful show through its name, bright colours and it being centred around children’s games. However, the show is ultra-violent, it contains scenes of violence and has frequent foul language. Although there are many different rating scales out there now, the majority rate this show as either “R Rated” or “16+”.

I implore families, if you haven’t done so already, to monitor your child’s viewing habits and ensure that they are not viewing material that could cause physical and mental health issues.

Furthermore, any of the “children’s games” that are being played in the movie, as harmless as they are on the surface, will not be allowed to be played at school due to its association with Squid Game and will be reinstated once the fascination and interest of this show leaves our school.

This is especially true for the child game Red Light, Green Light. Children are playing the game, calling out its reference to Squid Game and telling other students they are dead. This is inappropriate game play and we will not allow it at our school.

If you need more information about the show and the effects of violent media on youth, please see below:


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Oct. 29th

Please book a time with your child’s classroom teacher using the link below:


Fitness-A-Thon: Oct. 15th

THANK YOU for all your support in our Fitness-A-Thon today! We are so close to our goal of $15,000! At the last tally count, we are at $13,000!

It is not too late! You can still collect pledges to be included in the prize draws!

School Life in Pictures

A little rain didn’t slow our Fitness-A-Thon down! Fun morning for all!

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Dance StationCardio Station
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Parachute StationStretch StationGaga Ball (We can’t wait to have one in our playground!)
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Rock, Paper, Scissors Hula Hoop

Upcoming Events:


19: Art Club: 3:00-3:45

21: Games Club: 3:00-4:30

22: Food Bank Mass – Please bring non-perishable items to donate

23 & 24: Photo Sessions for Fundraising

25 & 26: Gr. 7 Outdoor Ed. Day Camp

27: Hot Lunch: Brownies Chicken

28: NO GAMES CLUB today

29: NO SCHOOL – Parent /Teacher Conferences


3: Photo Retakes

4: Parenting Evening Virtual – The Church in Your Home

11: NO SCHOOLRemembrance Day

19: NO SCHOOLPro D Day

26: Interims go home

26: Celtics Day

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