St. Patrick’s School
One Family, One Hope in Christ
Lord, You sent Your Son to lead us into the peace of Your Kingdom. Look with kindness on all who have served the cause of peace in our armed forces. Send Your comfort and healing to their families, and to all who suffer due to war and conflict. May Your Son’s gospel message of peace burn ever more brightly in our hearts, our words and our actions, and lead all to fullness of life in You. We make this prayer to you through this same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Daily Health Check
Friday, November 5, 2021
Dear Families,
Happy November! This week we have been talking about Saints and praying for our loved ones who we have lost. Celebrating All Saints Day and All Souls Day remind us that God calls us all to be saints and that we are helping these little ones (and big ones!) to be saints in the making.
We thank you for all your support this week as we dealt with COVID-19 exposure notices in certain classes. Fraser Health lets us know which classes/individuals are to receive exposure notices, so we cannot send it out to the whole community. Some of you had questions regarding the timing between exposures and notices being sent home, we send out the letters to you as soon as we receive them. Unfortunately, the timeline is set by Fraser Health.
Just as a reminder and for your assurance, the school already has many measures in place to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid. Students are washing and/or sanitizing their hands frequently, wearing masks, avoiding crowded hallways, and maintaining distance when possible. Our classroom HVAC systems are operating optimally. Cleaning practices are being followed and rooms are being sanitized with a fogger.
There have been some questions regarding masks so I have attached an informational poster from BC Center of Disease Control below. Please send in extra masks with your child so they can change their masks throughout the day.
Again, I thank you for helping us keep the community healthy and for your continued prayers.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca pdf Face-masks .pdf Face masks: How are they different? Download 148.6 KB

Remembrance Day
Please join us virtually for our Remembrance Day Assembly.
Time: November 10th, 2021 10:30am
Meeting ID: 986 6896 5401
Passcode: Peace
When you log in, we ask that you mute your mics and turn off your videos. Thank you!
Parent Evening
A BIG thank you to Randy and Mary Tabada for hosting and leading us in conversation about Church at Home. Thank you for virtually sharing your home with us and giving us ideas on how we can invite Jesus into ours.
I also want to thank the parents who took the time to be with us for the evening.
The next parent evening is on Jan 20, 2022. Save the Date!
The topic is on Mental Wellness and we will be sharing a new resource with you called Open Parachute. We will also have a speaker share information.
Growing Smiles Poinsettia & Christmas Flower Fundraiser is now up and running. Ordering is done on-line.
Orders can be placed until Tuesday, November 23rd 2021 end of day.
Credit card payments can be made on-line or alternatively send your cash or cheque payments to the school office (payee: St. Patrick’s School).
Items will be delivered to St. Patrick’s School on Saturday, December 4th, 2021.
Click here to access the site and place your orders.
Neufeld Farms
Browse the website for your “Holiday Favorites”. Ordering is done on-line. Orders can be placed until Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021 end of day.
Print off your order form and send it along with cash or cheque payments to the school office (payee: St. Patrick’s School).
Your delivery day will be on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 at 10:00am at 22589 121 Ave, Maple Ridge. Please ensure someone can pick up your orders as we can’t store it.
Click Here to access the website and place your orders.

Upcoming Events:
10: Remembrance Day Assembly – Zoom link to be shared
11: NO SCHOOL – Remembrance Day
17: Archbishop Carney Parent Info Night (at ST. PAT’S SCHOOL)
19: NO SCHOOL – Pro D Day
24: Adoration & Benediction
25: Celtics Day
26: School Mass – Food Bank Collection
26: Interims go home
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