Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith
Friday, May 31, 2024
In the month of June, we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. On this feast day, we unite ourselves fully to the heart of Christ, asking him to help us accept His will and that in the event we fall, His mercy may shield us.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart
Hail! O Sacred Heart of Jesus, living and quickening source of eternal life, infinite treasure of the Divinity, and burning furnace of divine love. Thou art my refuge and my sanctuary, O my amiable Savior. Consume my heart with that burning fire with which Thine is ever inflamed. Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Thy love, and let my heart be so united with Thine, that our wills may be one, and mine in all things, be conformed to Thine. May Thy divine will be equally the standard and rule of all my desires and of all my actions. Amen.
Grade Two First Holy Communion
Please continue to pray for our Grade Two class as they celebrate their First Holy Communion this weekend. The FHC mass will take place on June 2nd at 4:30 pm. It will also be live-streamed.
Fun Day
Fun Day is on June 14! It is a celebration of our year and a great way for the community to be together! Please note it is a NOON DISMISSAL. There is no Celtics Club on that afternoon.
You’re Invited…

Please Note
All choir and band members need to be in full formal uniform.
Used Uniform Sale
We will be having a Used Uniform Sale on Wednesday, June 19th @ 1:15 pm in the covered walkway, outside the gym.
Please bring your items for sale to the school office in clear Ziploc bags (one item per bag) marked with the family name and price. If you are donating your items to the school, you do not have to individually bag and price. Please do not send damaged or stained items, as they will not be sold. Only items handed in on time will be included in the June sale. We will not accept late items.
Items will be collected until Friday, June 14th at noon.
Reminder of Early Dismissals- Take Note
June 14– Noon dismissal (Fun Day)
June 26- 10:30 am Dismissal (Last Day!)
– We will have School Mass and farewell with their teachers before dismissal.
Celtics Club
Please see the attached registration forms for Celtics Club for 2024-25. Spaces are limited, so please get your forms in to secure a spot for your family. Only students enrolled at St. Patrick’s can attend Celtics Club. Please send back BOTH the registration form and the PAD form.
Celtic Club 24-25 Registraion.pdf
Celtic Club 24-25 PAD Form.pdf
Parent Participation Tasks
If you are IN NEED OF HOURS, please check your portal to sign up.
We need parent Supervisors at lunchtime between 12:00 and 12:30 pm and Traffic Control after school. We also require cleaning crews on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
Choir Practices
Please click on the link for a full schedule:
Upcoming Events:
2: First Holy Communion (4:30 pm)
4: Music Showcase- 1:00 pm
5: CISVA Track Meet Day 1
7: School Mass
10: Pro D Day- No School
12: CISVA Track Meet Day 2 (invite only)
19: Used Uniform Sale 1:15 pm
21: Step Up Day– Grade 7 Dismissal at NOON
21: Grade 7 Farewell Evening
25: Final Assembly- 2:00 pm
26: Last Day, School Mass- 10:30 pick up
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