Friday, March 11th, 2022
Dear Families,
While St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide on March 17, we celebrated our patron saint this week at school. May his faith in our Lord through difficulties help us with our own challenges. Our salvation is indeed of the Lord!
On behalf of Father Matthew, Father Paul and the staff, we wish you and your family a restful Spring Break. We look forward to our return on March 28! This is my favourite time of the school year, I find it so enjoyable as there are a lot of festivities to celebrate!
Stay safe!
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

Spring Break – Office Closed
The school office will be closed from March 14th – 25th
for Spring Break. We will re-open at 8:00am on March 28th.
Revised COVID protocols
As of midnight, March 11, 2022, the following mandates have been lifted for public spaces and will go into effect in school settings when we return to school on March 28, 2022:
– Mask mandate If parents still wish to have their child(ren) wear masks indoors, please let the classroom teacher know
– Faith gathering restrictions
Our first school mass upon return from spring break will be on Friday, April 1st and the whole school will be present in the church.
We are still going to doing our hand washing upon entry in the morning and after recess, before they eat. We are also keeping up with sanitizing and disinfecting.
Please still do a daily health check with your child(ren) and keep them home if they are sick. Students who test positive must follow all Fraser Health guidelines and isolation protocols prior to returning to school.
We ask that parents continue to use the front entrance to enter the building to go to the office. This helps us keep track of the people in the buildings for student safety.
St. Pat’s Spelling Bee
Our written spelling bee will be on March 30. As we have a large group this year, all participants will be invited to write the written portion. The top 12 will move on to our school Spelling Bee (oral), which will be on April 5th. The winner of that day will move to the C.I.S.V.A. Spelling Bee to be held on April 28th at Holy Cross Elementary (in person).
We did a school wide uniform check today. Quite a number of students told us that their school shoes no longer fit. Please check with your child to ensure they have proper footwear at school. They need to have outdoor shoes, schools shoes (all black shoe) and P.E. runners.
There are also a number of sweater and vests that need mending. Please do not send ripped clothing to school. P.E. crew necks are not acceptable when they are wearing their regular uniforms.
Altar Boy Ministry
The Altar Boy Ministry is slowly starting up again and there is an opportunity to join for those that may desire to serve our Lord in this manner, at the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar!
- Grades 5+: starting age for now
- Next meeting: Friday, March 25, 5:30pm – 8:00pm (including Stations of the Cross) meet in Church Sacristy, wear Sunday best!
- There are training nights for the ministry but also sports and other activities being planned in the immediate future for the boys!
- If interested, please reach out to Margaret Jakus to register your son(s): [email protected]
Save The Date – May 5th
Please save the date for May 5th for our last parenting evening. Our speaker for the evening is Sister John Mary. We will cover the topic of Sexuality & Your Child.
This is a mandatory talk for parents with students in Grade 4 – 7.
This covers the curriculum in those grades that parents can use to talk with their child as they see fit. All families are welcome.
Grade Seven Evening – Rescheduled
Gr. 7 Families, please make note that the Gr. 7 Farewell has been changed to FRIDAY, JUNE 24th to accommodate scheduling conflicts. We apologize for the changes.
Mass will be at 6:00pm, followed by a short ceremony in the church. We will not be hosting a reception in the gym, but will have cupcakes and beverages outside after the ceremony.
Church Synod
Pope Francis has launched a Synod in Rome. The Vancouver Archdiocese is encouraging all families in the diocese to take a few minutes to fill out the survey. The survey for the Synod can be found on the R.C.A.V. website.
School Life in Pictures
Upcoming Events:
28: School Re-opens after Spring Break
30: Hot Lunch – Domino’s
11: Class photos – ALL IN REGULAR UNIFORM – Green sweater mandatory
14: Holy Thursday, Retreat Day – NOON DISMISSAL (NO CELTICS CLUB)
15: Good Friday – No School
18: Easter Monday – No School
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