Registration PAD Form
The packages that went out this week for re-registration was missing a PAD form. This will be sent home with the oldest child on Tuesday.
Re-registration packages are due Feb. 3rd.
Grade Seven Parent Meeting- Jan. 26
Grade Seven parents are asked to attend a Sacramental meeting on January 26 at 6:30 pm at Holy Grounds. At this time, we still do not have a date for Confirmation. The date is given to us by the office of the Archbishop and we will share it as soon as we receive it.
Please attend this meeting to hear about expectations, helping your child choose a sponsor and to discuss any upcoming field trips. We will also be able to discuss Grade Seven Farewell evening (June 21). Take note of the date as the incorrect one was sent out last week.
Spirit Wear 2023
We are pleased to offer SPRIT WEAR to show our Celtics pride!
This is NOT a part of our uniform and cannot be worn as such.
Spirit Wear will be permitted on Hot Lunch Days (twice a month).
Proceeds from the sale of Spirit wear will go towards our Fundraising.
Next week an order form will be sent out for pre-order and payment.
Orders will be due February 10, 2023.
There will be options of hoodies and t-shirts. See below for the articles being offered!
Anyone can look good in Celtics Gear! Students, parents, grandparents!
Support the Celtics!

Music Information
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, & 15 @ 12:00-12:30
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Friday, Feb. 3 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Gr. 3 & 4 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday March 1 @ 12:00-12:30
- Gr. 3 & 4 – School Mass Friday, March 3 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- every Wednesday 8:00 am-8:35 am in the music room
- No Intermediate Choir Practice on Ash Wednesday Feb. 22, 2023
Message from Archbishop Carney Secondary
Join us for a St. Valentine’s Day Trivia Night at Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School. It will be an evening of trivia and extra challenges on February 4, 2023. Tables are encouraged to pick a theme and come in costume accordingly.
Doors open at 6:30pm with trivia starting at 7pm.
Concessions and cash bar available. Come for lots of fun and laughter with prizes available for best costumes and other challenges, such as Heads and Tails, True and False, Pick a Stick and a bonus visual round. All proceeds go to support students at Archbishop Carney going on the 2023 New York Service trip this coming March. Tickets purchased through or by scanning the attached QR code.
Celtics Day- Jan. 27
As a lead up to Black History Month, Black Excellence Day is a day to rejoice Black History and learn about Black stories, Black art and Black people, and a day to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians. In recognition of this day, we are encouraging all students to wear black on Friday to stand in solidarity in supporting Black Excellence Day.
Basketball Games
24: Gr 5 Girls- away @ OLF
24: Gr 6 Girls- away @ OLF
24: Gr 7 Boys- HOME vs OLF (2:45)
25: Gr 5 Boys- away @OLF
26: Gr 7 Girls @ HOME vs OLF (2:45)
30: Gr 5 Boys @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3pm)
30: Gr 6 Boys @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3:45)
31: Gr 5 Girls @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (2:30)
31: Gr 6 Girls @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3:15)
2: Gr 7 Boys @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (2:30)
2: Gr 7 Girls @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3:30)
6: Gr 5 Girls -away @ QAS
6: Gr 6 Girls -away @ QAS
7: Gr 5 Boys @ HOME vs QAS (2:45)
7: Gr 6 Boys @ HOME vs QAS (3:30)
8: Gr 7 Boys-away @ QAS
* Games are subject to change*
Upcoming Events:
23: Pro D Day – No School
26: Gr 7 Parent Meeting- 6:30 pm
27: Celtics Day- Black Shirt Day
27: School Assembly (Gr 1)- 2:15pm
03: School Mass
10: Student Led Conferences (No School)
13: Catholic Schools Week
16-17: Catholic Educators Conferences – No School
20: Family Day Holiday – No School
22: Ash Wednesday – School Mass – FOOD BANK COLLECTION
22: Lenten Sacrifice Lunch
24: BC Lions Energy Visit (2pm Assembly)
Weekly activities
Permissions slips must be handed in prior to attending. These are NOT open to all grades:
Math Club (Gr 7s): Tuesdays from 7:45-8:30 am (Mrs. Eskut & Mrs. Roth)
Latin Club: Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm (Mr. Brooks)
Games Club: Fridays from 3:00 – 4:30 pm (Mr. Brooks & Mrs. Wagg)
Intermediate Choir: Gr. 4-7:
- every Wednesday 8:00am – 8:35am in the music room
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