Meet Our Staff Member of the Week
This week’s feature is Mrs. Kravjanski.
Sport Spectators
It is so wonderful to see families back in the building for sporting events. We have had a great start to our basketball season. I just wanted to remind families that as spectators, we are representing the St. Patrick’s community. These games can be very exciting, especially when our own children are playing. Please remember that the coaches and referees are volunteers and the students do try their best.
As a league we encourage equal play among the students and refrain from having tryouts to include all the students who want to participate. Our students sign an athletic contract that outlines the following:
As a member of this team, I will:
* Attend practice and be on time and take care of life’s first things (God, Family, School Work and then Athletics). If I am unable to attend, it is my job to tell the coachbefore the practice. Missed practices may affect playing time.
* Participate to the best of my ability in practices and games- remember that our aims at St. Patrick’s is to develop our whole selves– mind, body and spirit
* Work on skills at home that will help me to play my sport at a level that is complementary to my team. If I know I need to work on a certain skill area, I will be willing to put in some work at home to improve that area.
* Treat others with justice- use positive talk to compliment and encourage my teammates. Negative talk kills team spirit.
* Realize that in team sports, the good of the team comes before the good of an individual. Our talents are gifts- we should use them for the Glory of God.
* Realize that the adults involved want the best for you. Respect for coaches, referees and parents are an absolute requirement for membership on sports teams.
* Understand that during playoffs our goal is to be the best I can be and be a team player. That means my game time could be more or less than others on our team; regardless I will do my best every time I play.
We do ask that our families also display sportsmanship when watching the games.
Grade Two Parent Meeting- Jan. 16
Grade Two parents are asked to attend a Sacramental meeting on January 16 at 7 pm at Holy Grounds. This will give us an opportunity to talk about Reconciliation and First Communion. At this meeting, we will have the confirmed dates for both sacraments. We will not have child care available, so please leave the children at home. Thank you.

Open House – Jan. 18
If you know of any new families looking for a vibrant Catholic school in our area, please invite them to our Open House on January 18, 2023. We will have an information session in the gym starting at 6:00 pm followed by tours in the school.
If they are unable to attend that evening, please ask them to call the school to book a tour and to obtain a registration package.
Grade Seven Parent Meeting- Jan. 26
Grade Seven parents are asked to attend a Sacramental meeting on January 26 at 6:30 pm at Holy Grounds. At this time, we still do not have a date for Confirmation. The date is given to us by the office of the Archbishop and we will share it as soon as we receive it.
Please attend this meeting to hear about expectations, helping your child choose a sponsor and —. We will also be able to discuss Grade Seven Farewell evening (June 22).
Congratulations to our Pancake Breakfast Winners
Elza K.
Nicoletta M.
Elyanna G.
Pancake breakfast, hosted by the Knights of Columbus, is on Sunday, Jan. 15 after the morning masses.
Spirit Wear 2023
We are pleased to offer SPRIT WEAR to show our Celtics pride!
This is NOT a part of our uniform and cannot be worn as such.
Spirit Wear will be permitted on Hot Lunch Days (twice a month).
Proceeds from the sale of Spirit wear will go towards our Fundraising.
Next week an order form will be sent out for pre-order and payment.
There will be options of hoodies and t-shirts. See below for a sneak peek.
The full line will be revealed next week, which will contain different colour choices.
Anyone can look good in Celtics Gear! Students, parents, grandparents!
Support the Celtics!

Music Information
CONCERT BAND workshop at A.C.R.S.S. in Port Coquitlam – Friday, January 13 @ 1pm-4pm
- Gr. 3 & 4 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday Jan. 18 @ 12:00-12:30
- Gr. 3 & 4 – School Mass Friday, Jan. 20 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, & 15 @ 12:00-12:30
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Friday, Feb. 3 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Gr. 3 & 4 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday March 1 @ 12:00-12:30
- Gr. 3 & 4 – School Mass Friday, March 3 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- every Wednesday 8:00am-8:35am in the music room resuming January 11, 2023
- No Intermediate Choir Practice on Ash Wednesday Feb. 22, 2023
Message from Archbishop Carney Secondary
Archbishop Carney is having a family game night on Saturday, January 21st, beginning at 5:30pm. Winter Gamefest is an opportunity for fun for the whole family to enjoy a game night with other families and friends. Games will include old favorites like UNO or checkers but will also have a wide variety of other games like CodeNames, Quirkle, Coup and many others. Tickets can be purchased at the door ($10 per person or $30 per family). Prizes, food and free babysitting will be available on site. We would love to see each and every one of you for an evening of laughter and community!
Celtics Day- Jan. 27
As a lead up to Black History Month, Black Excellence Day is a day to rejoice Black History and learn about Black stories, Black art and Black people, and a day to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians. In recognition of this day, we are encouraging all students to wear black on Friday to stand in solidarity in supporting Black Excellence Day.
Basketball Games
24: Gr 5 Girls- away @ OLF
24: Gr 6 Girls- away @ OLF
24: Gr 7 Boys- HOME vs OLF (2:45)
25: Gr 5 Boys- away @OLF
26: Gr 7 Girls @ HOME vs OLF (2:45)
30: Gr 5 Boys @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3pm)
30: Gr 6 Boys @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3:45)
31: Gr 5 Girls @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (2:30)
31: Gr 6 Girls @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3:15)
2: Gr 7 Boys @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (2:30)
2: Gr 7 Girls @ HOME vs St. Michael’s (3:30)
6: Gr 5 Girls -away @ QAS
6: Gr 6 Girls -away @ QAS
7: Gr 5 Boys @ HOME vs QAS (2:45)
7: Gr 6 Boys @ HOME vs QAS (3:30)
8: Gr 7 Boys-away @ QAS
* Games are subject to change*
Upcoming Events:
16: Gr 2 Parent Meeting- 7pm
17: Math Club (Gr 7)- 7:45 am
18: Open House for Prospective Families – 6:00pm
20: School Mass (6B) – FOOD BANK COLLECTION
23: Pro D Day – No School
26: Gr 7 Parent Meeting- 6:30 pm
27: Celtics Day- Black Shirt Day
27: School Assembly (Gr 1)- 2:15pm
03: School Mass
10: Student Led Conferences (No School)
13: Catholic Schools Week
16-17: Catholic Educators Conferences – No School
20: Family Day Holiday – No School
22: Ash Wednesday – School Mass – FOOD BANK COLLECTION
22: Lenten Sacrifice Lunch
24: BC Lions Energy Visit (2pm Assembly)
Weekly activities
Permissions slips must be handed in prior to attending. These are NOT open to all grades:
Math Club (Gr 7s): Tuesdays from 7:45-8:30 am (Mrs. Eskut & Mrs. Roth)
Latin Club: Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm (Mr. Brooks)
Games Club: Fridays from 3:00 – 4:30 pm (Mr. Brooks & Mrs. Wagg)
Intermediate Choir: Gr. 4-7:
- every Wednesday 8:00am – 8:35am in the music room
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