During World Youth Day in 2002, Pope John Paul II told the youth: “God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with him in the building of the civilization of love. “Let the light of Christ shine in your lives,” he said. “Do not wait until you are older in order to set out on the path of holiness. In the quest for justice, in the promotion of peace, in your commitment to brotherhood and solidarity, let no one surpass you.”
Daily Health Check
Friday, February 4, 2022
Dear Families,
We are halfway through this school year! Though we are presented with challenges, I want to thank you for your continued support of the school and staff. The registration numbers are encouraging. It means so much to the staff to know that we are all working together for our students.
I also want to commend the staff for their flexibility and willingness to work in ever-changing circumstances. I am blessed to work with such a dedicated group. As always, we are thankful for the support of Father Matthew and to be one of the ministries of the parish.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

We are gearing up to celebrate Catholic Schools week February 14-18. We need your help!
1. We would like to help our online presence with Google Reviews. Please search for our school on Google and write a review!
Families who participate will get their name entered in a draw to win a family prize!
We will do the draw on February 16th!
2. If you have a testimonial on why you chose Catholic education for your child, please email me at [email protected]. We would love to add your story on the website!
Tuition Income Tax Receipts
Tax receipts will be available for pick up at the school office starting on Monday, February 7th. Please ring the buzzer at the front door.
If you would like your envelope to be sent home with your child, please email Mrs. Rieu at [email protected] to make arrangements.
In-House Registration – OVERDUE
Re-registration packages are now OVERDUE!
If you have not sent yours in, please contact the office ASAP if you are planning on returning.
New registrations are being accepted starting February 8th and spots cannot be held.
If you are not returning, please confirm with an email for our student records.
Kindergarten Interviews
We are booking interviews for all our incoming Kindergarten families, including those who have siblings already in the school. The dates are between February 9th and the 16th.
Call the school office (604.467.1571) to book your appointment. Please ensure it is a time that your child can come in with you.
Valentine’s Treats
Valentine’s treats are permitted to be distributed in class on Monday, February 14.
Please ensure that cards are labelled at home and there is enough for all the students in the class.
Any edible treats must be individually packaged. Please do not send trays of cupcakes or cookies. Non-edible treats are prefered.
ALL treats will be sent home. Nothing will be consumed at school.
Three Way Conferences – Friday, February 11th 2022
All appointments are virtual. There is no in-person learning on this day.
If you haven’t signed up for your time yet, please do quickly as spots are filling up!
If you cannot see the link properly:
Go to www.schoolinterviews.ca and enter the event code m67wh.
Fundraiser: First Aid Kits
Our Fundraising Team is offering a new item! Your child is bringing home a brochure outlining the various first aid kits. A portion of each purchase goes back to the school.
Here is the link and the code for us is 78142
The link takes you to a page where you have to create a profile to enter the school code to put in your orders. The website does not accept payments. Alternatively, you can use the back of the brochures for your orders. All payments are to be sent into the school office. This fundraiser closes on February 11th.
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