We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week!
We are so blessed to learn, play and pray in a community where we can share in our Faith and our love for God.
Monday: Pastor & Staff Appreciation – Let us thank the hardworking efforts of our pastor, Father Matthew and our teachers and staff!
There will be a giant poster outside the gym. Feel free to write some messages of appreciation for the staff this week.
Tuesday: Parishioner Appreciation – Without the support of our parish, we would not be able to do the work we do. Stop by the Holy Grounds for treats from the school!
Wednesday: Family Appreciation – We are grateful for the continued support from our families for entrusting us with the care of their children.
JUST A REMINDER SCHOOL IS CLOSED FEB. 16th & 17th for the Catholic Educators Conference and FEB. 20 for Family Day.
Cambridge Uniform Sale
To show our appreciation to you and all Catholic schools we service we will be offering a 5% discount for all orders placed online from February 11th, 2023 to February 18th, 2023.
Cambridge Uniforms
Safe Haven Sunday – Feb. 12th
Safe Haven Sunday is a weekend set aside by the Archdiocese of Vancouver and parishes to directly address the harms of sexualized content and pornography in an appropriate way. Within the context of the Mass, parishes are able to provide teaching and resources that will support and protect individuals, marriages and families in making all homes a safe haven.
Yesterday your eldest child brought home the resource, Confident: Helping Parents Navigate Online Exposure. Itis a step-by-step conversation guide that includes:
- Information about the prevalence of pornography use today
- A four-step process for discussing pornography with a child or teen
- Scripts for conversing with a child about pornography in the light of biblical sexuality
- Information about porn use versus porn addiction
- A plan for protecting your home and devices
Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast – Feb. 12th
The Knights are hosting their wonderful pancake breakfast after masses this Sunday, February 12.
The monthly birthday winners are:
Jessie H. (Gr 6)
Uriel E. (4)
Evan V. (3)
Congratulations and enjoy your breakfast!
Congratulations to our Basketball Teams!
A big CONGRATULATIONS to all our teams who played their best all season and dedicated their time to practices.
Gr. 7 Boys and Gr. 7 Girls teams both came FIRST in our Zone and the Gr. 6 Boys came SECOND in our Zone. All three teams will move on to the semi-finals! Good luck! GO CELTICS!
Thank you to our coaches and refs. who supported our teams all season long.
Non Uniform – Feb. 14
Tuesday, February 14 is a non uniform day. Please wear Valentine’s colours to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day.
Here are some facts about St. Valentine:
Registration 2023 – 2024
Re-registration is now overdue. We have started to accept and interview new families. If you have not brought in your forms and are still planning to return, please get your forms in ASAP as your child’s seat is not guaranteed.
If you are not returning, please let the office know.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
Save the date! March 4, 2023
Free admission
Snacks and drinks provided

Spirit Wear Orders DUE FRIDAY
Thank you to Artrageous Screenprinting for handling our order! The staff loves their Spirit Wear! You can order yours until end of day Friday!
Movie Night
Our Fundraising Team presents Lyle Lyle Crocodile on February 11th in the gym.
Doors open at 5pm. Pizza available for pre-order.
Movie starts at 6:30pm.
Please note this is not a babysitting service. All children must have adult supervision present.
THANK YOU to our Fundraising team for all their efforts in coordinating this event!
SAVE THE DATE! Music Bingo Night!
Our Fundraising Parent Group presents IN PERSON Music Bingo Night!
Save the date – Saturday, April 15, 2023.

The Fundraising team is looking for Sponsors and Donations!
We are bringing back our first big IN PERSON fundraising event in three years! Music Bingo & Live Auctions! For those familiar with Trivia Night this will be VERY similar.
There will be dinner, Music Bingo (in place of the Trivia game) silent auction items as well as our live auction items. A cash bar and a few other games! Adults only!
Sponsors will have their company logo and name on the Bingo cards.
Limited sponsor spots available.
We are also looking for donations from local businesses.
If you are interested or have any questions, please email Shelley at [email protected]
Thank you,
Shelley Ricci
Music Information
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday, Feb. 15 @ 12:00 – 12:30
- Gr. 5, 6 & 7 – School Mass Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Gr. 3 & 4 – Liturgy Choir Practice Wednesday, March 1 @ 12:00 – 12:30
- Gr. 3 & 4 – School Mass Friday, March 3 – morning practice @ 8:10am
- Every Wednesday 8:00am – 8:35am in the Music room
- No Intermediate Choir Practice on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22
Upcoming Events:
10: Student Led Conferences (No School)
11: Movie Night – Fundraising
13: Catholic Schools Week
15: Hot Lunch – Burger King & TCBY
15: Assembly 1:15 pm (Gr. 6M & Student Leadership Team)
16-17: Catholic Educators Conferences – (No School)
20: Family Day Holiday – (No School)
22: Ash Wednesday – School Mass – FOOD BANK COLLECTION
22: Lenten Sacrifice Lunch
24: B.C. Lions Energy Visit (2:00 pm Assembly)
SPRING BREAK: March 13-24
Weekly activities
Permissions slips must be handed in prior to attending. These are NOT open to all grades:
Math Club (Gr. 7s): Tuesdays from 7:45-8:30am (Mrs. Eskut & Mrs. Roth)
Latin Club: Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00pm (Mr. Brooks)
Games Club: Fridays from 3:00 – 4:30pm (Mr. Brooks & Mrs. Wagg)
Intermediate Choir: Gr. 4-7- every Wednesday 8:00 am – 8:35 am in the Music Room
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