As it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: A voice of one crying out in the desert: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”Luke 3: 4-6 Daily Health Check
Friday, December 3rd, 2021
Dear Families,
As we head into our second week of Advent, facing more restrictions in our churches, I am reminded to fix my eyes (and my heart!) on the coming of Baby Jesus. The season of hope and renewal is upon us and I have to concentrate my prayers on those who need them the most.
Please take a close look at the “Spirit Week” schedule below. We have TWO “non-uniform” days and THREE “add to your uniform” days.
St. Nicholas is going to visit and leave treats in the student’s shoes on Monday, Dec. 6th. It will be a candy cane and an orange. On Friday, Dec. 10th, we will be giving a bag of popcorn to each child. Ingredients for the candy canes and the popcorn are listed below. Please let the classroom teachers know if you are sending an alternative treat for your child.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
As of the end of November, you should have received any items that were ordered in August/September. Please send your kids in proper uniform. Only St. Patrick’s sweatshirts and sweatpants are allowed and leggings and tights are not permitted under gym shorts.
If your child does not have the sweatshirt and sweatpants, please send their gym strip in a bag and they can use the changeroom to change for P.E..
A reminder that hair should be kept need and tidy and “extreme hairstyles’ are not permitted. This includes hair dye that is not a natural colour. Please refrain from wearing large bows, headbands with ears or other accessories that take away from our uniform.
Christmas Spirit Week! December 6th – 10th
We have a lot of fun things planned for our Spirit Week!
Thank you to our Student Leadership Team for helping plan our week!
MON – Christmas Hat & Sock Day (to be worn with uniforms)
TUES – Swap a Piece of Uniform for a Festive Coloured Item (to be worn with uniforms)
For example: Students can either wear a red shirt with their uniform bottoms or green pants with their uniform top or they can add a red sweater on top of their uniform.
WED – Christmas Sweater Day (non uniform)
WED – Principals for the Day: Isla & Skylar (Gr. 1)
We are collecting travel sized toiletries for the homeless. We are looking for the following:
razors, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, toothpaste & toothbrushes.
THURS – Wear Your Best Christmas Accessories (to be worn with uniforms)
FRI – Pajama Day (non uniform)
We are collecting monetary donations on Friday for our sponsor child, Angel, through Chalice.
Thank you for your generosity!
Thank you for helping with the various collections we have had:
– The Terry Fox Foundation received $341.90 in September
– The Royal Canadian Legion received $241.86 in November
– 4 large boxes of candy/treats were sent to Agape Street Ministries
– We were able to donate $294.05 for flood relief in Chilliwack
– The St. Vincent de Paul is very appreciative of our monthly food donations. They send baskets to seniors that are housebound, families who are having difficulties making ends meet and those less fortunate in our communities.
– Our December collection will go towards our Chalice Sponsor Child, Angel.
Rorate Mass – 7:00 A.M.
Join us for Mass at Dawn, by candlelight, every Monday of Advent.
Let us prepare the way, in our hearts, for Jesus’ birth.

Library Books
Don’t forget to bring in all library books next week! Any books not returned next week will have $10.00 lost book fee assessed.
Fundraisers Pick Up
Thank you for supporting our fundraisers!
Pick up for Growing Smiles and Neufeld Farms is on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 at 10:00am at St Patrick’s School. Please ensure someone can pick up your orders as we can’t store them at the school.
Thank you to our Fundraising Committee for all the planning and work that has gone into our fall fundraisers.
Fundraising Survey
The fundraising team would like your opinion on Trivia Night so they can make plans for the spring fundraisers. Access to the Google form will be easiest if you have a Google account. This survey will not collect any names or emails.
Please complete so they have a better idea of representation. Thank you! Trivia Night Feedback
A Message from the Knights of Columbus
Please support our Knights of Columbus (Maple Ridge/Thomas Haney Council) by purchasing some raffle tickets. See the link below. The early bird draw is December 4th 2021
No Celtic’s Club on Dec. 17th
Please note that we do not have Celtic’s Club after school on Dec. 17th.
Please ensure to pick up your children at noon.
Upcoming Events:
6 – 10: Christmas Spirit Week!
9: Gr. 4 Confessions
10: Pajama/Movie Day
15: Adoration & Benediction
17: Last Day before Christmas Break – NOON DISMISSAL
4: School Reopens

Ingredients for Treats Dec. 6 & 10
- Made with high quality superior butterfly kernels, buttered flavored salt, sunflower oil which meets USDA Healthy Snacks Guidelines
- The candy canes are peanut/nut free but may contain milk, soy, eggs and wheat.
School Life In Pictures
pdf Year Calendar 2021-22.docx (1).pdf
Download 389.4 KB Absentee Notices

St. Patrick’s School
@StPatsMR 22589 121 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada [email protected] 604-467-1571
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