“And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way.” Luke 6:20-23 Daily Health Check
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022
Dear Families,
It has been a very busy week at school with re-registrations and new family registrations. We are thankful for our community’s support. While some of our classes are currently full, we have some classes with room and opportunities for us to welcome new families. If you have any family or friends looking for a great school community, please have them call the office.
As previously mentioned we are celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week! As a product of C.I.S.V.A. schools, I am blessed to be here to serve the community. Please check the contest below!
Just a reminder that the school is closed FEB. 17th – 18th for the Catholic Educators Conference.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
HIP HOP Videos
We are going to be filming the Hip Hop classes and sending a link out to families that will be password protected next week.
IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD TO BE ON THE VIDEO, PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] AND the classroom teacher.
We will be taping on Tuesday. Please have your kids come to school in these colours. The gym strip bottoms will work well.
K: white tops, black pants
1: yellow tops, black pants
2: red tops, black pants
3: green tops, black pants
4: blue tops, black pants
5: grey tops, black pants
6: black tops, black pants
7: purple tops, black pants

1. We would like to help our online presence with Google Reviews. Please search for our school on Google and write a review! Families who participate will get their name entered in a draw to win a family prize! We will do the draw on February 16th!
2. If you have a testimonial on why you chose Catholic education for your child, please email me at [email protected]. We would love to add your story to the website!
There has been some confusion with the students regarding masks at school. At this time the mask mandate in BC is still in place and exemptions are quite specific. All C.I.S.V.A. schools are adhering to the the Provincial Health Officer mandates as stated below. The last update on this was February 3rd, 2022. If anything changes, we will notify the community as soon as we receive it.
COVID-19 province-wide restrictions
Used Uniform Sale – March 3rd
Mrs. Tuck is preparing a used uniform sale for March 3rd.
We are collecting used uniform donations in good condition by Mon. February 28th. No tears, rips or stains please. Any proceeds from donated pieces go back to the school.
If you would like to sell your pieces through the sale, please ensure that the pieces are in good conditioned, laundered and places in a ziplock bag with your family name and price on it.
For inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Used Uniform Coordinator Needed for 2022-23
The Parent Participation program is looking for a used uniform coordinator. This is someone who is willing to take used uniform donations, sort through and price them. This person also sells pieces on behalf of other families. Typically we have 3-4 sales a year.
We want to thank Mrs. Tuck for all her hard work in this role and as her sons finish Grade 7, we would like another parent to shadow her for the next sale.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in this role.
Tuition Income Tax Receipts
2021 tuition tax receipts are now available for pick up at the school office.
Please ring the buzzer at the front door to collect.
If you would like your envelope to be sent home with your child, please email Mrs. Rieu at [email protected] to make arrangements.
School Life in Pictures

Congratulations to our Grade Twos on receiving their First Reconciliation! What a special milestone in their faith journey. We pray that you always seek to receive God’s grace. Thank you to Ms. McBride and Mrs. Zochowski for preparing the students.
Upcoming Events:
11: 3-Way Conferences – No in person learning
14-18: Catholic Schools Week
14: Non-uniform day – Valentine’s Colours
16: Principals for the Day – McShane Family
17 & 18: Catholic Educators’ Conference – No School
21: Family Day – No School
22: P.E.C. Meeting
23: Hot Lunch – Brownies
23: Adoration & Benediction
24: Celtics Day – Colour Day
25: School Mass- Food Bank Collection
1: Shrove Tuesday – Pancakes served by the Knights of Columbus
2: Ash Wednesday – School Mass 12:45pm
3: Used uniform sale
11: Report Cards to be sent home
28: School Re-opens after Spring Break
pdf Year Calendar 2021-22.docx (1).pdf Download 389.4 KB
Our Fundraising Team is offering a new item! Your child is bringing home a brochure outlining the various first aid kits. A portion of each purchase goes back to the school.
Here is the link and the code for us is 78142
The link takes you to a page where you have to create a profile to enter the school code to put in your orders. The website does not accept payments. Alternatively, you can use the back of the brochures for your orders. All payments are to be sent into the school office. This fundraiser has been extended to February 18th.
Absentee Notices
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