Dear Families, It feels like we have been on fast forward since the beginning of the school year. While we have certainly missed all these fun activities, they sure fill the calendar up quickly. This week we saw a return of volleyball games with spectators. 
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Dear Families, “I thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I sing praise to you before the gods. because of your constant love and faithfulness, because you have shown that your name and your commands are supreme.” Psalm 34:1-3 This past week we celebrated World 
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NO SCHOOL- SEPT 30- TRUTH & RECONCILIATION DAY Dear Families, Today was Orange Shirt Day at school. The teachers have been talking about Truth and Reconciliation as part of our school theme but have not talked to their class about the weight of tomorrow’s holiday 
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NO SCHOOL- SEPT 30- TRUTH & RECONCILIATION DAY Dear Families, Our staff had a wonderful two day retreat at Loon Lake, thanks to Father Matthew and the PEC for their support in helping to make this happen. We prayed, sang, worshipped and celebrated in God’s 
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NO SCHOOL- SEPT 19 & 20 – STAFF RETREAT Dear Families, As we already had the days booked off for Sept. 19-20, we are not going to be taking any additional days off to commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Our staff will go 
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Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Friday, September 9, 2022 PARISH FESTIVAL– SAT. SEPT 10 at 6:00PM WELCOME BACK INFORMATION NIGHT– THURS. SEPT 15 at 6:30PMDear Families, We have had a great start to our year! The hallways are filled with laughter and smiles once again 
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Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022 OFFICE IS CLOSED FRIDAY, SEPT 2, 2022. Dear Families, First Day of school is on September 6, 2022. Students are to line up on the black top area where their grade is marked and their teacher will come out and greet 
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Friday, August 26, 2022 Dear Families, On behalf of Father Matthew and the staff of St. Patrick’s School, I warmly welcome back families to a new school year! The staff has been busy preparing for your arrival. We hope your summer has been filled with 
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Dear Families, Prayer to End a School Year God of wisdom, we thank you for all the gifts you have given us throughout this school year. We praise you for giving us life, for saving us in Christ, and for choosing us to be your 
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One Family, One Hope in Christ Daily Health Check Friday, June 24th 2022 Dear Families, Here we are, the final few days of school! I cannot express enough gratitude for all your support and patience this year. We look forward to more in person events 
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