Dear Parents,  The staff thought it would be fun to have another car parade on the last day of school, Thursday, June 25th from 10:00am to 11:30am.  Staff will spread out from the back of the church parking lot (off of Edge Street), around and 
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Dear Parents, This is our last week of instruction, before we head into our pick up and drop off week. This is my last call for June photos. If you have any photos you would like to add for my June slideshow, please email them 
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Dear Parents, I hope that this email finds you well! Please take note of the following items: 1. This Friday afternoon is Fun Day! Mr. Seiler and the Gr. 7 class have put together a virtual Fun Day for all of the students to do 
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Dear Parents, Please take note of the following items in preparation for the June 1st re-opening of school. There is a lot of information here for parents who will be sending their child(ren) back to school. If you are not sending your child(ren) back to 
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Dear St. Patrick’s Parents, Thank you for filling out the survey. We have 21 students returning to school for partial days. Please note the following 5 items: 1. All 21 St. Patrick’s students, who signed up, will be coming to the school gym on Mondays and 
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Dear Parents, Please remember to send me a photo(s) of your child(ren) for the May assembly. I would like them no later than Wednesday, May 27th please, emailed to [email protected] Thank you,Clive Heah| PrincipalSt. Patrick’s School, Maple Ridgewww.stpatsschool.org604-467-1571 (t)
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Dear Parents, I have received numerous emails from you with similar questions. I would like to ask that you please read my email from last week as well as the Health and Safety Plan that was emailed out, as many questions are answered in these 
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Dear Parents/Guardians,   I trust that you are enjoying the long weekend and finding time to enjoy some outside time! As promised, please find attached the Health and Safety Plan for Returning to School. This document contains information from the B.C.C.D.C. “COVID-19 Guidance for K-12 
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Dear St. Patrick’s Parents/Guardians, This morning Premier Horgan and Minister Fleming announced they are giving parents the choice to send their children back to school on a gradual and part-time basis, beginning on June 1st 2020. The June 1st 2020 optional return to school is part of BC’s 
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Dear St. Patrick’s Parents, Please take note of the following items: Gr. 5 May Assembly: Thank you so much to Ms. Hargrave and the Gr. 5 class for putting together a virtual May assembly for us! What a wonderful way to keep our community connected 
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