Hello St. Patrick’s Parent’s, As per our Payor’s PAD Agreement 2020-2021 this is your written notice from St. Patrick’s School of the Tuition & Parent Participation payments to begin on September 15th 2020. Please refer to the table below for Tuition payment amounts. Parent Participation 
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Welcome Back St. Patrick’s School! Dear Families Please find the following documents: 1. FAQ for the return to school 2. Health and Safety Guidelines I have also included a welcome back video. I can’t wait to welcome you all back on Sept 10 and to 
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Welcome to 2020-21 School Year! Welcome back Celtics! I truly hope you had the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. This summer was unique and at times, we felt that we missed out on special moments such as taking family trips; however, I 
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Dear Families, I hope this email finds you well. The C.I.S.V.A. has notified us of changes in our school calendar for June 2021. The last day for students has been moved to June 29, 2021 and for staff June 30, 2021. The change reflects the 
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Dear Parents, I look forward to seeing you this week for pick up and drop off of school materials.Hopefully I will have a chance to say goodbye to all of you in person. Please see the following list of teachers for next school year: Kindergarten: 
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Dear Parents, A HUGE note of thanks to everyone for your thoughtful gifts, cards, and contribution to my farewell video! Yesterday was a beautiful send off for me and just confirmed how blessed I have been to have been part of this community for the 
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Dear St. Patrick’s parents, It is time to think about your child’s school supplies for the 2020-2021 school year. Primary students (K – 3) will have their school supplies supplied by St. Patrick’s School (no purchase necessary).Intermediate students (4 – 7) will need to purchase 
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Dear Parents, Please see below a message from Marc Dalton, MP regarding an upcoming town hall meeting regarding the role and importance of Independent Schools. Hope you can join us as we talk about the importance of Independent Schools in our province. God bless, Clive 
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Dear Parents, Please see below from Fraser Valley Regional Library – keep your kids reading over summer! https://mcusercontent.com/67989e51d0729783740f66fb3/files/c2cbde04-9f21-4fd6-b72d-1bfd547c08ae/F.V.R.L._SRC_2020_Letter_to_Parents.pdf Link: https://fvrl-2020-src.mailchimpsites.com/Clive Heah| PrincipalSt. Patrick’s School, Maple Ridgewww.stpatsschool.org604-467-1571 (t)
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Dear Students and Parents, Here are the links for Shammy Awards! Please take the time to sit with your family and join in celebrating everyone’s success this year. The June Slideshow is at the end of the awards, so stick around for it! Primary Shammy 
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