Take some time to pray this verse each Sunday of Lent either on your own or as a family. Use it as a way to recommit to having your best Lent ever through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Heavenly Father, As I enter another week of …
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 JUST A REMINDER SCHOOL IS CLOSED FEB. 16th & 17th for the Catholic Educators Conference and FEB. 20 for Family Day. A BIG THANK YOU to all our families who make St. Patrick’s a wonderful community. Your support through all the …
We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week! We are so blessed to learn, play and pray in a community where we can share in our Faith and our love for God. Monday: Pastor & Staff Appreciation – Let us thank the hardworking efforts of …
Student Led Conferences Student Led Conferences are Friday, February 10th. Please sign up if you haven’t done so. Sign up will close on Monday to allow teachers to work with their schedules. Registration 2023 – 2024 Re-registration is now overdue. If you are planning on …
Drop Off/Pick Up PLEASE do not park/pull into in the parish or staff parking lots. Backing up or pulling out into the drive through is dangerous as others are not expecting you. This also means that students are walking between cars. Use the proper drive …
NO SCHOOL MON. JAN 23, 2023- PRO D DAY Registration PAD Form The packages that went out this week for re-registration was missing a PAD form. This will be sent home with the oldest child on Tuesday. Re-registration packages are due Feb. 3rd. Grade Seven …
NOON DISMISSAL ON DEC. 16. THE OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON. NO CELTICS CLUB.Dear Families, A BIG thank you and congratulations to all the students and staff on a successful Christmas concert. This was the first one in person since 2019 and it was so joyful …
NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th for a PRO-D Day. Dear Families, As we look forward to the beginning of a new liturgical year, let us prepare our hearts for the coming of Baby Jesus. May the peace of Christ be upon you and your families. …