Monthly Online Events for Parents & Caregivers Fall 2024 Registration for our Fall Series is open ... Every month we bring families together online to watch a video and to talk about what helps. All of our events are hosted and facilitated by Family Peer Support Workers. Here are our fall topics, we hope to see you there!
All 40 of our Catholic elementary schools have lovingly agreed to help the Catholic Men’s Shelter and the Door is Open by providing them with gloves, socks, toques, coats, etc., as well as personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, small-size bath soap, shavers, shaving cream, lotion, earplugs, Q-Tips, shampoo, and other related items.
As we enter into a new school year, the Archdiocese of Vancouver is pleased to once again be offering Making Sense of Anxiety in Children and Youth, a Dr. Neufeld video course with discussion facilitated by Kevin Bredeman, M.A. “Here, try these on and see what you think.” Handing a pair of red gym shoes to my oldest, I fully expected him to quickly lace them up and take off running through the store in his typical all-boy fashion. Instead, he paused during …
I’m inviting anyone who wants to join me to commit to setting aside even just five minutes each day to pray for our children and our schools, for the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to the specific ways in which we are being called to take action and be part of the change, and for God to give us the vision that we need to be who God is calling us to be in a broken world.
Friday, June 14, 2024 Dear Families, The countdown is on for summer! Just a few reminders: – Uniform expectations are still to be followed. Gym strip is only to be used on PE days. – No nail polish or makeup of any kind. – If …
Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith NO SCHOOL MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024- PRO D DAY Friday, June 7, 2024 Heavenly Father, As we come near the end of an academic year, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of each …
Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith Friday, May 31, 2024 In the month of June, we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. On this feast day, we unite ourselves fully to the heart of Christ, asking him to help us accept His will and …
Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith Friday, May 24, 2024 We are back in Ordinary Time in our liturgical year but in our faith life, ordinary does not mean boring or humdrum. This time gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s word and our …