School Registration Package

Click links below to download .PDF of each file

Single sided printing of the registration package required by the school office

Important Dates

Print copies of registration packages are available for pick up starting Wednesday, February 5, 2025
RETURNING STUDENTS: Registration packages were sent home with your oldest returning child on Wednesday, January 27th.  They are due to the school by FEBRUARY 5, 2025
NEW STUDENTS: Drop registration packages to the school on Thursday, February 6th 2025 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm or 5:00 to 6:30pm.
The school will not accept registration packages before this date.

School Fees


The table below summarizes the school’s monthly tuition fee schedule for the 2024/2025 school year: Your rate will be determined by the parish pastor.

Category 1
Active Parishioners from
St. Patrick’s
Category 2
Active Parishioners from
St. Luke’s or other parishes
Category 3
Non-Active Catholic
One child (per month x 10 months) $420.00 $570.00 $700.00
Two children (per month x 10 months) $720.00 $970.00 $1,150.00
Additional Children (per child, per month x 10 months) $110.00 $170.00 $500.00
Category 1: Active Parishioners of St. Patricks, Authorized by Pastor to attend St. Patrick's School

  • Member of St. Patrick’s Parish
  • Authorized by Pastor to attend St. Patrick’s School

Category 2: i. Member of a Catholic Parish other than St. Patrick’s; Authorized by your own Pastor to attend St. Patrick's School

  • Member of a Catholic Parish other than St. Patrick’s
  • Authorized by your own Pastor to attend St. Patrick’s School

Category 3: i. Not a member of any Catholic parish; and/or may only attend masses on special occasions, whether one is baptized Catholic or not

  • Not a member of any Catholic parish; and/or may only attend masses on special occasions, whether one is baptized Catholic or not.

For the purposes of admission to St. Patrick’s Parish School, your family is considered an active parishioner of your parish if you are:

  • Registered in your parish
  • Regularly attend mass at your parish
  • Regularly donating to the parish
  • Participate in the work activities required of you by your parish

New Report
