Celtics Chatter, Friday, May 10th







Friday, May 10, 2024

Heavenly Father, we lift up to you today, all mothers. Bless them with strength to continue to care for their children with the same bold, selfless selflessness Mary showed Jesus. Help all mothers feel our gratitude and truly know their impact. May we honor them today and on all days as vessels of Your love. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

Mandatory Parent Meeting (Gr. 4 – 7) May 14th, 7PM

Please join us for an evening with our speakers, Brett & Andrea Powell. Mr. Powell works for the R.C.A.V. and is the Archbishop’s Delegate for Development and Ministries. Mrs. Powell is our C.G.S. instructor and one of our Gr. 3 teachers. This is a MANDATORY evening for Gr. 4 – 7 parents as part of our health curriculum, but all families are invited. There will be door prizes and refreshments.

Flowers for Mary

Next week, we invite families to bring flowers for our Mother Mary in front of the school office. We ask that you please REFRAIN FROM BRINGING LILIES due to allergies.

Last names starting with:

Mon. May 13th: G – L

Mon. May 21st: M – R

Tues. May 27th: S – Z

Summer Uniform Starts on MONDAY

Summer Uniforms are optional pieces. Students are allowed to wear these pieces from Monday, May 13th to the end of the school year, and then in the fall from September to October 15th. We are able to make concessions when the weather is unusually warm.

Parent Participation Tasks

If you are IN NEED OF HOURS, please check your portal to sign up.

We need parent Supervisors at lunchtime between 12:00 and 12:30 pm and Traffic Control after school. We also require cleaning crews on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 – 7:30 pm.

Choir Practices

Please click on the link for a full schedule:


Upcoming Events:


13: Knights of Columbus (Langley) Track Meet (more details to follow)

14: Parent Evening

15: Summer Uniform starts

15: O.L.O.A. Track Meet (Gr. 3-6 only; more details to follow)

15: Confirmation Rehearsal (Gr. 7)

17: Pro D Day – No School

20: Victoria Day – No School

21: Confirmation (Gr. 7)

22: Hot Lunch – Loz Tacos

23: St. Catherine’s Track Meet (more details to follow)

24: School Mass – Food Bank Mass

28: Ready Set Learn (for incoming Kindergarten class)


4: Music Showcase

5: CISVA Track Meet Day 1

7: School Mass

10: Pro D Day- No School

12: CISVA Track Meet Day 2

21: Step Up Day

21: Grade 7 Farewell Evening

25: Final Assembly

26: Last Day, School Mass- 10:30 pick up



Mom of Ty & Joey.

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